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Pokémon Go best Mega Pokémon by type

Which are the best Mega Pokémon for taking down raids in Pokémon Go?

Image credit: The Pokémon Company/Eurogamer

What are the best Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go? With almost all of the Mega Pokémon are in Pokémon Go, this question is getting increasingly difficult to answer. It can also be answered in multiple different ways, depending on your priorities.

So, to make life easy for everyone, we’ve split this page into multiple sections, including an overall best Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go by type list, for at-a-glance reference for what to power up, as well as the best Mega Pokémon by type and the unreleased Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

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Best Pokémon in Pokémon Go overall

Pokémon Go now contains 42 of the 48 possible Mega Pokémon (as of February 2025). At 87.5%, that's not too dissimilar from the 83% of all 1025 Pokémon in the franchise (not including alternate forms or regional variants) that are in the game. Even when you just distil it down to the Megas, that's still a sizeable number, so you’d be forgiven for having no idea what the best Mega Pokémon in the game are.

For the sake of ease, we're going to break this down into a tiered system, starting with God-tier and moving down to those that are basically useless.

That said, even the most useless Mega Pokémon are better than nothing, since having a Mega Evolved Pokémon grants a range of bonuses, such as extra catch Candy.

If you're purely concerned on the very best, here's the strongest Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go, as of February 2025.

God Tier

These are the Pokémon that Arceus itself has blessed with scary levels of power. Go to Candy Town and max these out.

  1. Mega Rayquaza
  2. Primal Groudon
  3. Primal Kyogre
  4. Mega Lucario
  5. Mega Garchomp

A Tier

Not everything can be the very best. These Mega Pokémon are still incredibly powerful and well worth levelling up.

  1. Mega Salamence
  2. Mega Blaziken
  3. Mega Alakazam
  4. Mega Tyranitar
  5. Mega Gengar
  6. Mega Y Charizard
  7. Mega Gardevoir
  8. Mega Gallade
  9. Mega Heracross
  10. Mega Sceptile
  11. Mega Latios
  12. Mega Swampert
  13. Mega Diancie
  14. Mega Gyarados
  15. Mega Ampharos

B Tier

These are your mid-tier Megas. Level them up if you want, but don't go out of your way to build them.

  1. Mega X Charizard
  2. Mega Houndoom
  3. Mega Aerodactyl
  4. Mega Scizor
  5. Mega Venusaur
  6. Mega Manectric
  7. Mega Pidgeot

C tier

At this point, there are vastly better options for your Candy. Don't worry about putting any resources into these Pokémon.

  1. Mega Lopunny
  2. Mega Pinsir
  3. Mega Aggron
  4. Mega Blastoise
  5. Mega Latias
  6. Mega Beedrill
  7. Mega Banette
  8. Mega Slowbro
  9. Mega Glalie
  10. Mega Steelix

The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Scattered to the Winds event is currently running. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

Best Pokémon in Pokémon Go by type

Pokémon Go now contains 42 Mega Pokémon (as of February 2025). This means at least two of every type, and sometime a lot more, and as always, there’s no single best Pokémon for every scenario - not even Mega Rayquaza.

So, while the above list is useful for knowing what to pour Candy and Stardust into, sometimes you want to know at a quick glance what you should be bringing to a raid or Grunt battle. This is where the lists below come in handy.

Note that we’ve skipped over Pokémon with high levels of attack that can simply out-stat everything and become the best Ice-type attacker by eating a TM. Everyone knows that Shadow Mewtwo is an excellent Ice-type attacker, but it's not useful to pretend it's an Ice-type Pokémon. Since Mega Pokémon buff others of the same type, we're sticking to typings.

That said, sometimes the best set of moves isn't two of the same type. We've recommended the best set of moves as a Mega Pokémon of a given type, so make it the most effective when it comes to taking down a raid boss.

The below tier list is as of February 2025:

Best Normal-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Loppuny (Pound, Hyper Beam)

Runner-up: Mega Kangaskhan (Mud Slap, Outrage)

Notes: Nothing to see here, folks. You're never going to want to use a Normal-type for its Normal typing.

Other options: That’s your lot until Mega Audino joins the game

Best Fighting-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Lucario (Force Palm, Aura Sphere)

Runner-up: Mega Heracross (Counter, Close Combat)

Notes: These two are your best options, with Mega Lucario being the best by far - it is obscenely powerful as a Fighting-type Pokémon. After this comes Terrakion, followed by the next best Mega, Mega Heracross.

Other options: Mega Blaziken, Mega Gallade, Mega Lopunny, Mega Medicham

Best Flying-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Rayquaza (Air Slash, Dragon Ascent)

Runner-up: Mega Salamence (Dragon Tail , Fly)

Notes: Mega Rayquaza is the God-tier Pokémon that quelled the two Primals in this list. It is the best in class by a huge degree. Regular Rayquaza follows, then Mega Salamence, showing just how powerful it is.

Other options: Mega Pidgeot, Mega Charizard Y

Mega Rayquaza is your best Flying-type Mega Evolution, while Mega Lucario is the best Fighting-type.

Best Poison-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Gengar (Lick, Sludge Bomb)

Runner-up: Mega Beedrill (Poison Jab , Sludge Bomb)

Notes: Mega Gengar is closely followed by Nihilego, then Mega Beedrill. The effectiveness of each Mega Pokémon rapidly falls off after that.

Other options: Mega Pidgeot, Mega Charizard Y

Best Ground-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Primal Groudon (Mud Shot, Precipice Blades)

Runner-up: Mega Garchomp (Mud Shot, Earth Power)

Notes: Primal Groudon is the real deal. Mega Garchomp is still very good though, and should not be overlooked if you don't have a Primal Groudon to hand.

Other options: Mega Swampert

Best Rock-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Tyranitar (Smack Down, Stone Edge)

Runner-up: Mega Diancie (Rock Throw, Rock Slide)

Notes: Mega Tyranitar is actually slightly worse than Shadow Rhyperior, but that's not surprising considering it's not how you're supposed to use it. Leave your Mega Tyranitar as a Dark-type attacker and use Mega Diancie as a Rock-type attacker. It's a close second in terms of power.

Other options: Mega Aerodactyl

Mega Gengar is ideal for a Poison and Ghost-type Mega Evolution, while Mega Tyranitar is your choice for Rock-types.

Best Bug-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Heracross (Struggle Bug, Megahorn)

Runner-up: Mega Pinsir (Fury Cutter, X-Scissor)

Notes: These two are tied for best. Mega Scizor is a close third if you need it.

Other options: Mega Scizor, Mega Beedrill

Best Ghost-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Gengar (Lick, Shadow Ball)

Runner-up: Mega Banette (Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball)

Notes: Dawn Wings Necrozma is actually best in class, followed by Mega Gengar – unsurprising considering that Necrozma is an Avengers-level threat.

Other options: Mega Alakazam, Mega Sableye

Best Steel-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Aggron (Iron Tail, Heavy Slam)

Runner-up: Mega Scizor (Bullet Punch, Iron Head)

Notes: Dusk Mane Wings Necrozma is actually best in class, followed by Shadow Metagross. When Mega Metagross arrives, we will be laughing, but sadly, until then, we're looking at these paper-thin options. You shouldn’t use them for trying to win the raid, just to reap more rewards

Other options: Mega Lucario, Mega Steelix

Mega Aggron
Try to use Mega Heracross for a Bug-type Mega Evolution and Mega Aggron for Steel-type.

Best Fire-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Charizard Y (Fire Spin, Blast Burn)

Runner-up: Mega Blaziken (Fire Spin, Blast Burn)

Notes: These options are best in class.

Other options: Mega Charizard X, Mega Houndoom

Best Water-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Primal Kyogre (Waterfall, Origin Pulse)

Runner-up: Mega Swampert (Water Gun, Hydro Cannon)

Notes: These options are best in class.

Other options: Mega Blastoise, Mega Gyarados, Mega Slowbro

Best Grass-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Sceptile (Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant)

Runner-up: Mega Venusaur (Vine Whip, Frenzy Plant)

Notes: These options are best in class.

Other options: Mega Abomasnow

Primal Kyogre is tricky to get but worth the work, while Mega Sceptile is your ideal Mega Evolution for Grass-types.

Best Electric-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Manectric (Thunder Fang, Wild Charge)

Runner-up: Mega Ampharos (Volt Switch, Zap Cannon)

Notes: The Electric Mega Pokémon are fairly weak, with multiple better options, such as Shadow Raikou, Zekrom and Xurkitree.

Other options: None

Best Psychic-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Alakazam (Confusion, Psychic)

Runner-up: Mega Latios (Zen Headbutt, Psychic)

Notes: These are the best in class, after the God-tier Shadow Mewtwo, of course.

Other options: Mega Gallade, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Latias, Mega Slowbro, Mega Medicham

Best Ice-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Abomasnow (Powder Snow, Weather Ball)

Runner-up: Mega Glalie (Frost Breath, Avalanche)

Notes: There are multiple better options in terms of attack, including Shadow Mamoswine and Baxcalibur as Ice-types, and Shadow Mewtwo and Primal Kyogre as non-Ice-types.

Other options: None

Mega Alakazam allows an old favourite to continue being powerful, while Mega Abomasnow is the best Ice-type Mega Evolution.

Best Dragon-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Rayquaza (Dragon Tail, Breaking Swipe)

Runner-up: Mega Garchomp (Dragon Tail, Outrage)

Notes: The God-tier Mega Rayquaza is obviously the best by far.

Other options: Mega Salamence, Mega Latios, Mega Latias, Mega Sceptile, Mega Charizard X, Mega Ampharos, Mega Altaria

Best Dark-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Tyranitar (Bite, Brutal Swing)

Runner-up: Mega Houndoom (Snarl, Brutal Swing)

Notes: Mega Tyranitar is the best by far, followed by Shadow Tyranitar and then Mega Houndoom. There is a big difference between these two Megas, so we'd recommend two Mega Tyranitar over maxing out one of each.

Other options: Mega Gyarados, Mega Absol

Best Fairy-type Mega Pokémon

Best: Mega Gardevoir (Charm, Dazzling Gleam)

Runner-up: Mega Diancie (Rock Throw, Moonblast)

Notes: Mega Gardevoir is by far your best option for Fairy-based attacks. Mega Alakazam follows is a very distant second, along with Shadow Gardevoir in third - and they're not even Fairies. Mega Diancie as a Fairy-type attacker is roughly half as good as Mega Gardevoir, so use that a Rock-type attacker only.

Other options: Mega Altaria, Mega Mawile

Mega Gardevoir is the best choice for Fairy-type Mega Evolutions and oh, look - it's Mega Rayquaza again.

Unreleased Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Now that the game has been out for a few years, we’re finally getting to the end of the list of Mega Pokémon that can be released.

As of February 2025, there are six missing Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Some are more exciting than others, and have probably been held back because of how game-breakingly good they are. Others are just on the waiting list out of bad luck. We’ll let you guess which is which.

The unreleased Pokémon in Pokémon Go, in alphabetical order, are:

  • Mega Audino
  • Mega Camerupt
  • Mega Metagross
  • Mega Mewtwo X
  • Mega Mewtwo Y
  • Mega Sharpedo

Best of luck filling out your Mega Pokédex, and maxing out the best Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go!

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