Path of Exile 2 Sacrificial Heart, including where to find and how to use it
How to clear this heart from your inventory.
As you go back in time to visit an ancient civilization in Path of Exile 2, you might end up finding the Sacrificial Heart and wonder what you're supposed to do with this item.
In addition to the story quests that take you through the acts and the regular side missions, Path of Exile 2 has hidden secondary quests. These only start when you find certain items, so you never know when a new quest may appear in your journal.
If you have found this quite special – and large – heart, or want to complete all the missions to grab all of their goodies, we've got you covered. In this guide, we explain how to get the Sacrificial Heart, how to use the Sacrificial Heart, and the quest rewards.
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How to get the Sacrificial Heart in Path of Exile 2
In case you don't have this massive organ in your inventory yet, there is only one thing for you to do to get the Sacrificial Heart in Path of Exile 2: kill monsters. The Sacrificial Heart is a special item that can only be acquired as a drop from certain enemies in Act 3. Since it is random from which enemy it drops from, you need to kill every single one that appears in front of you.

There are two regions where you can find the enemies who drop this item. First, it's the Utzaal, the first area you explore after using the portal in the Ziggurat Encampment to go back in time. The second area is Aggorat, right after Utzaal. You find the same enemies in both areas. So the best strategy to look for the Sacrificial Heart is to kill all foes in the two areas. If even after doing so the heart doesn't drop, you will need to reset the areas.
How to use the Sacrificial Heart in Path of Exile 2
Once you obtain the Sacrificial Heart, you will see that it has a description saying “Sacrifice this heart at the proper ritual site” but no explanation of where you should go. To use the Sacrificial Heart in Path of Exile 2, you need to find the Sacrificial Dagger and the altar in Aggorat. Only by visiting this exact location and interacting with the dagger will you be able to complete the quest.

To enter Aggorat, first you need to go through Utzaal and defeat the Viper Napuatzi boss. When you're inside the Aggorat, it's time to look for the altar. Its location changes so we can't tell you where you will find it. However, usually, you can find the altar in the Northeast side of the map. To use the heart, you just need to interact with the Sacrificial Dagger.
Path of Exile 2 Sacrificial Heart rewards
After you have found the heart, made your way through two difficult maps, one annoying boss, and put the Sacrificial Heart on the altar, it's time to stab it and receive your rewards. In the description of the Sacrificial Heart, it says that you gain two Weapon Set skill points. While these are extremely useful, that’s all you get from completing the sacrifice.

Weapon Set skill points are unique and used on passive abilities. You want to use them to customize your build and have specific nodes open for your first set of weapons and others for your second. You can only acquire Weapon Set skill points through quests or special items, making them considerably rare.
All the best on the rest of your journey through Path of Exile 2!