Oh my god Secret of Mana is being 3D remastered for PS4, PC and Vita
UPDATE: It's £33.
UPDATE 11.45AM BST: PlayStation Store pre-orders are now open (thanks, Alcifer) so we know the 3D remake of Secret of Mana will cost £33 on PS4, which isn't cheap. Optional in-game purchases are mentioned - but what are they for? If pre-orders get downloadable armour perhaps you can buy it too?
There's no Vita PS Store page yet and the 3D remake of Secret of Mana doesn't appear to support Cross-buy (buy once on PS4 or Vita to own the game on both).
ORIGINAL STORY 9.30AM BST: The best game in the world ever, Secret of Mana, is being 3D remastered for PC (Steam), PS4 and Vita, and will be released 15th February 2018.
Why Switch isn't included I don't know, especially given the game's Nintendo heritage, but as Xbox One is excluded as well, it could be a Sony exclusivity deal.
Remember, the Secret of Mana series landed on Switch in Japan in June, albeit in a retro re-release anthology which isn't confirmed for the West.
The Secret of Mana 3D remake will have a complete new visual style as well as voiced characters (a choice of English or Japanese), some new dialogue scenes, and a newly arranged soundtrack. It looks like a much newer game now, albeit a slightly more cartoony one. There is mention of upgraded gameplay but no details on how it has changed.
Secret of Mana was a SNES action role-playing game made in Japan by Square Enix a million years ago. It followed the life - as most RPGs do - of an unlikely hero, who soon found himself wrapped up in a world-saving quest and riding his very own pet dragon. But not a scaly dragon - a nice fluffy dragon like the one in The Neverending Story.
I remember holing up in a friend's house one summer to play through it, because the very best bit about Secret of Mana was drop-in/out co-op. Eventually you recruited two companions and it was into their shoes you could freely jump.
Three player co-op was possible but as the SNES only had two controller ports you needed a controller-port extension to make it possible. In 2017 we have no such technical barriers! So you'll be pleased to hear the 3D remake of Secret of Mana supports local three-player co-op.

Nothing left to do now but celebrate! Oh it's not even lunchtime.