Nintendo announces major 3DS games Pokémon X and Y
Next generation of Pokémon franchise due worldwide this October.

Nintendo has announced 3DS games Pokémon X and Y, the next major instalments in the hugely successful handheld series.
The games are due for release in Japan, North America and Europe all in the same month - a first for the series - October 2013.
Satoru Iwata, the company's commander-in-chief, delivered the news personally via a just-finished Nintendo Direct broadcast.
The first footage showed off a new 3D cel-shaded world, complete with rolling grass-lands, castles and dungeons. The game's viewpoint has changed from the series' standard top-down look to a dynamic camera.
New and old Pokémon will feature, and there will be another three starting critters: grass monster Chespin, fire beast Fennekin and toad-like water species Froakie. What looks like at least one more legendary monster will also be included.
The pair of games are the first major instalments of the franchise for 3DS, although a number of spin-off games and apps have previously been available.
Pokémon X and Y's announcement comes just months after the European launch of DS sequels Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, which scored a 9/10 from Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead (and his Pokéfan son).
The first Pokémon X and Y footage lies below, starting around the 07:30 mark.