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Bungie rejigs Halo 2 matchmaking options

The second Xbox Live patch focuses on playlists.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Having sat and watched people play Halo 2 on Xbox Live for nearly a month, Bungie has released an auto-update for the game which updates a few of the game's "playlists" and matchmaking options. Unlike the first auto-update, which mainly dealt with technical issues and unlocked the "Foundation" multiplayer map, this one focuses on what you might call logistical tweaks.

For example, one of the two new playlists is called Rumble Training, which is an unranked version of Rumble Pit that supports as few as six and as many as eight players and will allow you to bring guest players into the fray. The other, Team Slayer, puts two teams of four against one another in deathmatch and offers various new gametypes within that refined framework.

A number of other existing playlists have also been tweaked so that lesser used gametypes get more of an outing, and the Foundation map, unlocked for the last update, has also been added to rotation on a few playlists. Elsewhere, match times have been changed and there are other minor tweaks like the addition or removal of certain vehicles from certain gametypes.

Still, if you are into your Halo 2, you might want to check out Bungie's website for more specifics since, as you may have guessed, this writer isn't much of a fan and doesn't really understand any of the stuff he just wrote. At least we're honest, eh?

To update Halo 2 with the above tweaks, all you should have to do is log in to Xbox Live and off it'll go.

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