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And The Rest: Friday News Roundup

(Updated throughout the day.) Mortal Kombat: Deception renamed in France, Sony plans new "Pearl White" PS2.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Midway has announced that the latest instalment in the Mortal Kombat series will be renamed before it appears in France, citing "translation issues". Not being too hot on our French, we're forced to defer to Games Press for this - and the scholars there point out that throwing in an accent gives you Mortal Kombat: Déception, or, amusingly, Mortal Kombat: Disappointment in English. Mortal Kombat: Deception is due out in Europe on November 5th on PS2 and Xbox - and Frenchies should look out for Mortal Kombat: Mystification, which is roughly the same thing - with less disappointment attached.

Sony in Japan has announced another new shade of PlayStation 2. The latest offering aiming to bolster the Kutaragi and co. coffers is "Pearl White", which will be out - with matching controllers - from July 15th onwards. Apparently it's shiny bright white, and not flat matte white like the Ceramic White model sold last year alongside Gran Turismo 4 Prologue, but we doubt you're all that bothered anyway.

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