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New Soul Calibur IV character revealed

She's a lady and she has a sword.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

A new Soul Calibur IV character has been unveiled in the pages of Famitsu magazine.

As reported by QJ.net she's a lady named Scheherazade, presumably after her out of the Arabian Nights. (Probably not that version. Wait, surely they can't mean the John Leslie?) Scans reveal she comes equipped with a thin sword and some suitably tight clothes.

The article also has a picture of Maxi as he appears in SCIV, complete with nunchuks, plus returning favourites Kilik and Xianghua.

Soul Calibur IV is out this summer on PS3 and Xbox 360. If you can't wait that long, why not head to this weekend's Play.com Live event, where it will be playable.

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