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Police-themed Battlefield Hardline details leaked via Battlelog update

Someone's been Havana close look.

Details of the next Battlefield game, apparently titled Battlefield Hardline, have been spotted online following a new Battlelog update.

Internally code-named Havana and in development at Dead Space studio Visceral Games, the police and thieves-themed spin-off has been rumoured for some time.

A logo and artwork for Battlefield Hardline were spotted lying on EA's server today, along with a set of "BFH" icons for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One (thanks, GetBlog). "BFH+" icons, presumably for those with Battlefield Premium, are also present.

Other fresh data included what looks like four soldier classes (Enforcer, Mechanic, Operator, Professional), references to a map ("MP_Downtown") and parts of a welcome message for those signing up to the game's beta.

Named modes include Blood Money, Bomb Squad and Carrier Assault.

The update actually broke Battlelog's emblem creator - a missing icon named "Visceralskull", presumably a reference to Havana's developer, was to blame. Writing on Reddit, a DICE employee confirmed the bug.

Separately, Twitter account Battlefield Daily spotted a list of new in-game awards for Havana. The images include a skull, weapons, police handcuffs and a bag full of money.

Eurogamer previously reported that employees at the UK-based Ghost Games had been tasked with helping Visceral on the project following EA's decision not to release a Need for Speed game this year.

Battlefield: Hardline will undoubtedly be fully unveiled during EA's annual press conference at E3 next month. The publisher left a conspicuous space open on its 2014 release schedule for an unannounced game set to be detailed at the event.

Eurogamer has asked EA for an official comment on the leak.

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