Netflix testing adverts on Xbox 360 app
But only for its own shows.
Streaming subscription service Netflix is testing the introduction of adverts for its own programming on Xbox 360.

Commercials for Netflix Original series such as Orange is the New Black and House of Cards will now pop up at the beginning and ending of shows (thanks, Gizmodo).
But only a certain subset of viewers will see the adverts for now.
In a statement, Netflix explained that the adverts' introduction was simply a "test".
"For some time, we've teased Netflix originals with short trailers after a member finishes watching a show. Some members in a limited test now are seeing teases before a show begins. We test hundreds of potential improvements to the service every year. Many never extend beyond that," a Netflix spokesperson said.
But some subscribers are concerned that Netflix is testing advertising now with the end goal of being able to include third-party commercials, despite the service still charging a monthly fee. Netflix has denied this is, however.
"We are not planning to test or implement third-party advertising on the Netflix service."
So there you go. We're back after the adverts below for our usual comment section.