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Argos breaks Halo 3 street date

Lucky bleeders got copies.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

High street retailer Argos has broken the Halo 3 street date, and has sold copies of the hugely awaited game to bundles of eagle-eyed customers.

The news spilled from our very own forum, where members posted jealousy-inducing shots of their freshly bought copies, complete with receipts.

However, Argos is apparently now aware of its rather glaring error and is once again playing by the original rules of releasing it next Wednesday. Meanwhile eBay enjoys massive traffic.

It all started when various stores on the Argos website told those of you reserving a copy that you could collect it today, or between "Wed 19th September - Thu 20th September".

Oblivious till tenders then dished out the game to unbelieving shoppers brandishing reservation codes, allowing them to enjoy the fruits of Halo 3 a week early.

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