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Monster Hunter World - Kushala Daora strategy, Kushala Daora weakness explained

Take down Elder Dragon Kushala Daora.

Kushala Daora is a late game encounter and one of the toughest you'll face in Monster Hunter World.

When you finally come up against the Elder Dragon in battle, there are a number of Kushala Daora weaknesses and strategies to learn about.

Elsewhere, our Monster Hunter World tips can help you decide when to get, what to forage and what to do between hunts, and our Monster Hunter World walkthrough and guide can help with main quest and story progress.

How to prepare for Kushala Daora the first time, Kushala Daora location

Once you unlock Elder's Recess and beat Nergigante, you'll have to find more tracks.

This operates much the same as the ??? Rathian tracks several missions prior, but instead focuses on blue-coloured tracks specifically within specific areas.

For Kushala Daora, this area is the Ancient Forest.

To prepare for Kushala Daora, you'll need some strong armour. Whatever you had to face the Nergigante should be good enough, but since Nergigante has some of the best armour pieces and skills in the game, it won't hurt to fight it a few more times.

Additionally, the Ore weapon tree will lead into Nergigante now you've fought it, with a weapon that has high affinity against Dragons and with a high Elderseal. Both are very useful against Elder Dragons, so this is well worth unlocking.

Otherwise, make sure you have plenty of curatives (and don't be afraid to withdraw mid-mission to your tent to stock up on Mega Potions if you run out) and defensive Mantles (Vitality) and suitable Palico Gadgets.

Flash pods are also particularly useful to help you knock Kushala Daora out of the air, stopping it create more gusts of wind.

Kushala Daora weakness and strategy

Kushala Daora weaknesses:

  • Fire - Low
  • Water - Null
  • Thunder - High
  • Ice - Null
  • Dragon - Medium
  • Poison - High
  • Sleep - Low
  • Paralysis - Low
  • Blast - High
  • Stun - Medium

Kushala Daora follows the same rules as a few other recent tough encounters - it's fast, hits hard, is dangerous up close and deadly if you are caught by a lunge from afar.

So as always, be careful with your combos, and only execute them when you are certain you can pull one off and retreat safely.

Kushala Daora's trick is powerful wind attacks. Most of these are easily signposted (think of them like fireballs from fire elemental monsters) but some are more passive, creating huge tornados that, while won't injure you, certainly get in the way.

The dragon will often sit in these tornados to avoid damage, so just play the waiting game until it emerges.

Kushala Daora is particularly dangerous in flight, so stay cautious when it does so. We'd recommend packing Flash Pods so you can shoot it out the air. Not only does this allow you to get some easy attacks in while it's stunned, but it prevents it creating more tornados.

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As always, remember to use your environment. Most areas have Vitality plants you can use for health in a pinch, and there are no shortage of ledges, slopes and crystals you can climb if you want to attempt a mount.

Finally, it may eventually retreat to area 4, where it'll sit on a high rock. To climb up it, simply sprint against the wall - your character will then automatically clamber up.