Modern Warfare patch notes for Season 3's update in full
What's been added as part of the new season.
Modern Warfare Season 3 introduces a number of new updates - such as new Operators and Quads mode in Warzone.
Alongside also comes new multiplayer maps, weapons and a new Battle Pass - which is also shared by Warzone.
This page explains the Modern Warfare Warzone patch notes as part of the latest Modern Warfare update.
On this page:
Modern Warfare Warfare Season 3 roadmap
With the addition of Season 3 in Modern Warfare comes a number of new additions, changes and features. This includes:
- Quads mode in Warzone, supporting teams of four players.
- New Operators, including Alex from the campaign - who now has a prosthetic leg - on release, plus Ronin and Iksra later in the season.

- New maps in Modern Warfare's multiplayer, including the return of Modern Warfare's Backlot (named Talisk Backlot) as well as Hovec Sawmill and Aniyah Incursion.
- New maps later in the season - Hardhat, and Gunfight map Aisle 9
- Two new weapons in Modern Warfare's multiplayer - SKS and the Renetti - and one more later in the season
- New Vehicle Skins in Warzone
- New multiplayer modes later in the season - Gun Game Reloaded and Reinfected Ground War
- Season 3 Battle Pass with 100 levels of new unlocks, including weapon Blueprints and COD Points.
Modern Warfare patch notes: What's been introduced in Modern Warfare's Season 3 update
And here are the patch notes for the update, copied verbatim from developer Infinity Ward:
- Lowered the max amount of XP and score given for Decoy Grenade assists
- Backend fixes to help Memory Error 13-71 issues. If you're still experiencing this error, please reach out to Activision Customer Support
- Fixed a bug where more than one dog would be present in the squad walk in the main multiplayer menu
- As an owner of a regiment, players could sometimes see an error when selecting another player in their regiment. This has been fixed
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to skip cutscenes in the campaign while using keyboard and mouse controls
- Fixed a bug where players were sometimes unable to see Clan Tags for other players in the Social Menu after restarting app, or going through a power cycle
- Fixed an issue where some players could encounter graphical corruptions, causing their screen to have a black 'shadow' that followed them. This has been fixed
- Fix for an area on St. Petrograd that lacked collision and allowed the Recon Drone to fly out of bounds
- Fixed a bug that made clan tags appear twice
- Fixed a bug that could prevent players from speaking to their team in a custom match if they switched teams after the match has started
- Lowered the volume of the plane audio during infil
- Lowered the audio once you enter the Gulag
- Reduced the volume of occluded far and distant weapons
- Some footstep sounds while ADS and crouched were cut short on the distance you could hear them, depending on the surface type
- Fixed an issue where "The Line Breaker" variant of the EBR could out perform the base version of the same weapon
- Players with the "Cherry Blossom" variant of the Akimbo handguns could have broken animations while ADS on ladders. This has been fixed
- Firing a smoke grenade with the under barrel 40mm smokescreen launcher did not emit any smoke from the grenade. This has been fixed
- Attaching the Sniper Scope to the MK2 Carbine while in the Gunsmith would show a white, opaque lens. This has been fixed.
- Tightened the pellet spread on the Slug 6-R Mags for the Model 680
- Akimbo weapons now start with 2 extra magazines of ammunition instead of 1
- Tightened up the hip spread on the VLK Rogue Shotgun
- Decreased ADS spread for shotgun slugs
- Added descriptions to slugs noting that longer barrels and chokes improve ADS accuracy
- Updating names of weapons to match weapon logos
- 725: "FTAC Equilibrium" renamed to "Cronen Equilibrium"
- SA87: "FSS SA87 Heavy Stock Pro" renamed to "XRK SA87 Heavy Stock Pro"
- RAM-7: "XRK Ranger" renamed to "FSS Ranger
- Grau 5.56: "FSS 26.4" Archangel" renamed to "Tempus 26.4" Archangel"
- Added on screen text to call out when a player's vehicle is damaged
- Operation Headhunter: Fix for an error that could occur after launching the drone
- Operation Headhunter: Fixed a bug where the minimap could overlap the Objectives on screen
- Fall damage is now the same in Co-Op as it is in Warzone
Warzone Season 5 is almost here! If you want to learn more about firepower from previously, we explain the best Welgun loadout, best Cooper Carbine loadout, best Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle loadout, best STG44 loadout, best MP40 loadout, best Automaton loadout, best BAR loadout, best Combat Shotgun loadout, best Type 100 loadout, and best Kar98k loadouts.
- We now tell you how far away you are from your teammates while in a match
- Fix for the gas mask animation interrupting and blocking players from deploying their parachute
- Various exploit fixes
- Fix for a bug where players were unable to revive teammates after getting interrupted during the initial revive animation
- Fixed a bug where players could be killed by vehicles without being near the player
- Fixed an issue that could display the incorrect rank on screen after the player's game application had been suspended and reopened
- Fixed an issue where deploying a Recon Drone would use the VO lines for a Personal Radar. That VO was also heard by all players on the map. This has been fixed
- Fix for a bug where players could become invincible if they become downed while switching seats in a Tac Rover
- While spectating a player in the Gulag, the option to redeploy your teammate would appear on screen, even though they cannot be redeployed. This has been fixed
- If a player spectates the winning team of a BR match, the After-Action Report will display the winning team's score in the scoreboard tab. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where placing a Shield Turret on a teammate could kill them
- Fixed a bug where players couldn't swap out the M13 for any other weapon in the Plunder tutorial
- Fix for players unable to self-revive in Solos
- Increased price of Loadout Drop within the Buy Station to $10,000
- Removed Blood Splatter and Screen Shake when being punched in the Gulag waiting area
- Removed Loss Column from BR Leaderboard and replaced with Top 10s
- Fixed issue with final circles occurring out of bounds or in undesirable areas
- Fixed issue with Armor plates and Killstreaks being unusable under certain conditions
- Several fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability