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Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition breaks 1 million sales

In less than a week.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Global sales of Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition have hit one million within a week.

You can even buy Notch's hat for your Xbox 360 avatar.

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition costs 1600 Microsoft Points (£13.60). One million sales equates to £13,600,000 of revenue, of which Microsoft will earn around £4m, based on the company's usual 30 per cent rate.

Players have notched up 5.2 million hours of gameplay, four million multiplayer sessions and 2.4 million multiplayer gaming hours, Microsoft mouthpiece Major "Larry Hryb" Nelson boasted.

It is the fastest-selling Xbox Live Arcade game of all time, eclipsing the previous record holder, last month's Trials Evolution.

The impressive Xbox Live Arcade sales figures are still dwarfed by the game's PC stats. Over 25 million registered users have signed up since the game's original alpha, equating to some 5.3 million sales.

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