MGS4 producer's stealth game Republique now aiming for a December release
Will have two still unannounced MGS voice actors in it.
Metal Gear Solid 4 producer and Halo 4 creative director Ryan Patton's upcoming crowdfunded stealth affair Republique is gunning for a December release.

"While we still don't know the official street date just yet, the game's probably going to be coming out in December," Patton told Red Bull UK.
Originally set for June on iOS, PC and Mac, Republique was quite the success on Kickstarter in May 2012 where it acquired $555,662 along with the vocal talents of ex-Metal Gear Solid leading man David Hayter and Mass Effect's beloved FemShep Jennifer Hale.
Elsewhere in the Red Bull interview, Patton teased a couple of other unannounced Metal Gear veterans in Republique's cast. "We actually have two other cast members from Metal Gear on the game that we haven't announced yet, meaning this is kind of a family affair in a way," he said.
Patton also noted that Hayter getting replaced by Kiefer Sutherland in Metal Gear Solid 5 was really bumming the actor/screenwriter out. "Kojima's got all these strange reasons and jokes, and that [sic] the press thought this was all a joke, and that David would be back. But what's even more painful for David is that this isn't a joke," he explained. "He's had to repeatedly say to fans that, no, he's not in the next Metal Gear game. He's having to go out of his way to really say he's not a part of the next game, so it's kind of like a terrible infinite loop for him." Poor guy.