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Kane & Lynch 2 here a week early

They don't hang about.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Gritty shooter Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days has been moved forwards to a 20th August release.

North Americans will play slightly earlier from 17th August.

The multi-platform shooter - PC, PS3, Xbox 360 - had been expected in Europe on 27th August.

Kane & Lynch 2 has gone all Jason Bourne with shaky camera work and CCTV-inspired visuals. The effect hopes to be one of gritty realism as pot-bellied psycho-hero Lynch rekindles a passion for violence in the hustle and bustle of Shanghai.

All atmosphere and no gameplay clout? Here's hoping Danish developer IO transcends the pitfalls of the first game.

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