Infinity Nikki Storytelling Scenes walkthrough
How to complete this Leisurely Tales quest for the New Horizons Day event.
'Storytelling Scenes' is one of the quests included in the Leisurely Tales set for the New Horizons Day event in Infinity Nikki.
Being a New Horizons Day quest means you have until Tuesday 25th February to complete this quest before it vanishes from Infinity Nikki. If you fancy taking it on, then it's time to dust off your camera and take some photographs.
Below you'll find our 'Storytelling Scenes' walkthrough for Infinity Nikki, which will help you take both a scenic picture of Florawish from above and a photo of the night view of Florawish with the Wish Bottles.
On this page:
How to start Storytelling Scenes in Infinity Nikki
To start 'Storytelling Scenes' in Infinity Nikki you need to talk to Viliak. She can be found at the Meadow Activity Support Center in Breezy Meadow and is standing at the top of the stairs near the Warp Spire.

Turns out she's having trouble mastering the art of photography, so it's up to Nikki and Momo to help her out! After talking to her, it's time to head to the Dream Warehouse north of Florawish.
The easiest way to find Viliak is to fast travel to the Dream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire. From there, you'll easily spot Viliak standing on the nearby bridge. Here she'll ask you to take a scenic picture of Florawish from above.

How to take a scenic picture of Florawish from above in Infinity Nikki
The first photo you need to take for Viliak during the 'Storytelling Scenes' Infinity Nikki is a scenic picture of Florawish from above. To do this you need to reach the top of the Dream Warehouse. You can easily reach this location by teleporting to the Dream Warehouse Rooftop Warp Spire, but, if you haven't unlocked this fast travel spot, you'll need to jump between the nearby pillars to reach the top.

Once there, head to the end of the broken pathway leading out across Florawish. This is the perfect place to take your picture!
Before you do, however, we recommend ensuring the aperture value is set to f16 in your photo settings or else you might have issues submitting the photograph. You may also want to hide Nikki in the photo as it makes it easier to fit everything in the aim.
With that done, simply aim your camera down on Florawish below and take your photograph. The exact part of Florawish you'll want to photograph is primarily the side to the left of the bridge, though it does somewhat overlap with the Great Wishing Tree. Thankfully a golden box with the words 'Florawish' will appear on screen to help you line up the shot.

Once your photo is taken, head back to Viliak and show her the photo!
How to take a photo of the night view of Florawish with the Wish Bottles in Infinity Nikki
To continue with 'Storytelling Scenes' in Infinity Nikki you now need to meet her at the tree directly south of the Secret Base Warp Spire at night. Luckily, there is a wait prompt which will automatically skip time for you.

Once the shadows have fallen, Vilika will ask you to take a photo of the night view of Florawish with the Wish Bottles included.
Before you take the photo, remember to ensure aperture is set to f16 and consider removing Nikki from the photograph. We also found this photo was easier to take on the opposite side of the tree to Vilika - both to angle the Wish Bottles in the right place and to hide her from the shot. (Though you can always use the hide NPC option in the camera setting to make her vanish.)
Below you'll find a screenshot of where we stood to take the photograph and the photograph we actually took for the quest:

With the photograph taken, visit Viliak once again and show her your work. Doing so will bring 'Storytelling Scene' to a close, rewarding you with 40 Diamonds, 40 Shining Particles and 24,000 Bling.
If you're looking for more help with the quests connected to the latest Infinity Nikki events, check out our walkthroughs for the Sailing Through Lens, Kindled Inspiration: New Bloom's Outfit, Fly High Friend, Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation and White Jade Observation quests.