Infinity Nikki Stellar Fishing Ground location
Where to find the Stellar Fishing Ground in Infinity Nikki.
The Stellar Fishing Ground is one of the islands in the Abandoned District area of the Wishfield region in Infinity Nikki.
This small fish-shaped island actually has a lot of things to do on it, including finding the Astral Swan to get its rare Astral Feather material, fishing for the rare Tulletail, an Aventura quest, and lots more!
As you have to take the correct gliding route to get to the island before you can activate its Warp Spires, we've detailed how to get to the Stellar Fishing Ground in Infinity Nikki below, along with the exact Stellar Fishing Ground location.
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Infinity Nikki Stellar Fishing Ground location
The Stellar Fishing Ground is the fish-shaped island found in the mid-west of the Abandoned District region of Wishfield in Infinity Nikki.

How to get to the Stellar Fishing Ground in Infinity Nikki
To get to the Stellar Fishing Ground for the first time, you need to float along the Strawhat Sleepy gliding route (found on the middle-centre island). Then once you land on the island, you can activate the 'Stellar Fishing Ground Trail' Warp Spire to get back here quickly in the future.

If you're coming to the Stellar Fishing Ground specifically to groom the Astral Swan, or fish for a Tulletail, then it's worth working your way northeast as well, to activate the 'Stellar Fishing Ground Peak' Warp Spire near the Astral Swan and Tulletail locations.
If you're a daily Infinity Nikki player, then we recommend coming to the Stellar Fishing Ground every day to groom the Astral Swan and fish for a Tulletail, as you need their rare materials to craft some outfits and Momo cloaks, but you can only get these materials once a day.
So, it's better to stock up while you don't need the materials, rather than having to wait days and days to finally craft something!