All Firework locations in Infinity Nikki
Where to find all 12 Fireworks to open the secret caves on Firework Isles.
There are 12 Firework locations on Firework Isles in Infinity Nikki, and finding all of them rewards you with lots of Diamonds, and some secret lore documents.
Three of these locations are linked to the 'The Wonderful Journey' Exclusive Quest, so if you only want to progress with that quest, check out our page on how to open the gate to Gloomy Cavern in Infinity Nikki.
If you want all of the extra rewards found in caves across the Firework Isles, however, then you're in the right place. We have all Firework locations in Infinity Nikki detailed below, along with all Firework Isles Cave locations.
On this page:
All Firework locations in Infinity Nikki
We have more details and pictures further down, but for quick reference, here's a map picture of all Firework locations in Infinity Nikki:

These are numbered in the order you open caves, which is why they look a little scattered. So Fireworks 1, 2, and 3 open the first cave (Gloomy Cavern), Fireworks 4, 5, and 6 open the second cave (Waterfall Cavern), and so on.
All Firework Isles Cave locations
Before we get stuck into listing all of the Fireworks, here's a map picture of all Firework Isles Cave locations in Infinity Nikki:

Cave 1 is Gloomy Cavern, Cave 2 is Waterfall Cavern, Cave 3 is Songbreeze Cavern, and Cave 4 is Behind-the-Mountain Cavern. For more pictures and details, check out our dedicated Firework Isles Cave locations page.
Firework location 1
Location: The first firework is right in front of the Gloomy Cavern gate in the northern part of Firework Isles. Just walk a bit east from the gate to spot it.
Cave: Gloomy Cavern.

Firework location 2
Location: Inside the small ruins on a hill just southeast of the Gloomy Cavern, between the 'Entrance to Gloomy Cavern' and 'Crescent Shoal' Warp Spires.
Cave: Gloomy Cavern.

Firework location 3
Location: In the ruins on the southwestern corner of Firework Isles. It's by the crumbling walls in the southeastern corner of these ruins.
Cave: Gloomy Cavern.

Firework location 4
Location: By the bridge in the southwestern area of Sparkheart Island that connects it with Flaming Forest.
Cave: Waterfall Cavern.

Firework location 5
Location: By the bridge in the southeastern area of Sparkheart Island that connects it with Relic Isles.
Cave: Waterfall Cavern.

Firework location 6
Location: By the broken bridge in the very north of Sparkheart Island.
Cave: Waterfall Cavern.

Firework location 7
Location: Just south of the waterfall on the western side of Firework Isles, which is southwest of the 'Stongbreeze Island Hillside' Warp Spire.
Cave: Songbreeze Cavern.

Firework location 8
Location: On the shoreline just northwest of Clearheart Lake, which is on the western side of Firework Isles.
Cave: Songbreeze Cavern.

Firework location 9
Location: On the southern shoreline of Sparkheart Island, near the Firework Isles Dock landmark.
Cave: Songbreeze Cavern.

Firework location 10
Location: Right in the middle of Firework Isles in the Songbreeze Highland area. East of the 'Firework's Peak' Warp Spire, above the Waterfall Cavern cave landmark.
Cave: Behind-the-Mountain Cavern.

Firework location 11
Location: In the eastern part of Flaming Forest, near a pack of Esselings.
Cave: Behind-the-Mountain Cavern.

Firework location 12
Location: On the crumbling ruins on the little northwestern island of Relic Isles.
Cave: Behind-the-Mountain Cavern.

Enjoy your rewards!