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How to solve Crystal Conundrum puzzle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Crystal Conundrum puzzle solution explained.

hello kitty island adventure crystal conundrum puzzle area
Image credit: Eurogamer/Sunblink/Sanrio

Solving the Crystal Conundrum puzzle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure is one of the steps you need to take to complete the 'Power up the gate' main story quest.

This puzzle contains one of the Yellow Power Crystals you need - but it's not too easy to get to. The piece you need is stuck behind a door that will only open once you find the solution to this Hello Kitty Island Adventure puzzle.

If you're stuck, then don't worry - here's how to solve the Crystal Conundrum puzzle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Crystal Conundrum puzzle solution

To solve the Crystal Conundrum puzzle in Hello Kitty Island Adventure you need to open the door by triggering the two purple switches on the ground.

To do this, pick up the block by the door then carry it across the level you're on and place it down on the blue switch with the line leading towards the stairs.

hello kitty island adventure crystal conundrum puzzle blue switch solution
Image credit: Eurogamer/Sunblink/Sanrio

Once the switch has been activated (the line leading to the stairs will be lit), head down the stairs and grab the box here. Bring it back up to the level you were previously on and carry it over to one of the purple switches near the door. Place it down, but the door won't open yet.

Now, grab the box that you moved onto the blue switch earlier and place it down on the empty purple switch. When both are activated, the door to the next level will open.

hello kitty island adventure crystal conundrum puzzle purple switch solution
Image credit: Eurogamer/Sunblink/Sanrio

Wait! As you head through the door, look below you and you should just be able to see that there's a hidden ledge here. You can safely jump down to this ledge.

hello kitty island adventure crystal conundrum puzzle hidden platform
Image credit: Eurogamer/Sunblink/Sanrio

On this ledge, open the chest to collect the Straw Sunhat.

hello kitty island adventure crystal conundrum puzzle chest location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Sunblink/Sanrio

Then, use the climbing wall here to get back up to the main level and collect your Yellow Power Crystal to complete the puzzle.

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Hello Kitty Island Adventure help, check out our pages showing you how to solve the Beginners Bridge puzzle or how to unlock the Camera.

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