How to get Zorua and evolution Zoroark in Pokémon Go
Can you catch this Tricky Fox?
Zorua and Zoroark, its evolution, were released as a surprise during Pokémon Go’s 2022 Halloween event.
In keeping with its Tricky Fox category, catching Zorua in Pokémon Go involves falling prey to one of its illusions.
Despite a troublesome launch, Zorua is now available until Tuesday, 1st November at 10am (local time).
Below we’ve covered how to get Zorua and evolve it into Zoroark in Pokémon Go, so, when the time comes, you can add these Gen 5 Pokémon to your Pokédexs.
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How to get Zorua in Pokémon Go
Zorua first appeared in New Zealand during the Spotlight Hour on Tuesday, 25th October. This release, however, was bugged and Zorua spawns were disabled for the rest of the world shortly afterwards.

Instead, Zorua was released (or re-released if you prefer) on Friday, 28th October and will be available until Tuesday, 1st November 10am (local time), which is when 2022's Halloween event ends.
Zorua will appear as a perfect replica of your buddy Pokémon - even if that buddy Pokémon is shiny. To catch a Zorua, you will need to capture a fake buddy and, afterwards, it will, in a similar manner to Ditto, reveal itself to be a Zorua.
At the time of writing, we're unsure whether having your buddy Pokémon adventuring alongside you is a requirement for Zorua spawning or effects the spawn rate in anyway. For this reason, we highly recommend ensuring your buddy is walking around on the map when you're hunting for Zorua.
If you’d like to see how catching Zorua works, then watch this video uploaded to Twitter by @xxLordSupreme:
The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Small Yet Strong event is currently running in Pokémon Go. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
How to evolve Zorua into Zoroark in Pokémon Go
To evolve Zorua into Zoroark in Pokémon Go, you need to collect 50 Zorua Candy.

Since Zorua is currently only available for a very short amount of time, we highly recommend using Pinap Berries when attempting to catch it. These berries, along with the Halloween event bonuses, will mean that you’ll gather a good amount of Zorua candy very quickly. You may even have enough to evolve it into Zoroark!
Good luck catching Zorua!