How to get Socko in Infinity Nikki
Where to find and how to catch this sock-like creature.
Socko in Infinity Nikki are a type of bug (yes, they class as a bug not as an animal) that you can capture in Wishfield to help with crafting some outfits.
They're quite tricky to capture because they're naturally very nervous little sock-like creatures in Infinity Nikki. However, they are worth taking the time to capture as they're a key material to have if you want to fill out Nikki's wardrobe.
Without further ado, here's how to get Socko in Infinity Nikki.
How to get Socko in Infinity Nikki
To get Socko in Infinity Nikki you need to have any outfit that allows you to catch bugs (yes it looks like a sentient sock but it counts as a bug), such as the Afternoon Shine outfit you get early in the story. Then comes the hard part, finding and catching a Socko.
You can find Socko hanging around underneath Wool Fruit Trees in Florawish and in Breezy Meadow during the day.
The easiest place to find your first Socko is south-east of the Stylist's Guild in Florawish. We've marked its location on the map below:

Watch for a child looking at a Wool Fruit tree and they'll have a speech bubble above their head that mentions a Socko. Stand next to the child and look in the direction they're facing, you should be able to see a Socko sitting on a rock underneath the Wool Fruit tree.

Now, from where the child is you need to start sneaking over to the Socko. They are very skittish so one wrong move will send it scurrying underground and it won't respawn for a while, so be patient and move slowly towards it.
As you get closer it will get question marks above its head, at this point you need to make no mistakes and keep treading towards it slowly. Once you're close enough, the net icon will appear above its head and you can capture it.

When you've caught one Socko it'll be much easier to track down others using your material tracking option in your world map to highlight their current spawn locations. Just remember that they're skittish and you need to start sneaking towards them from further away than you would a regular bug.
That's it for now! If you're looking for more Infinity Nikki content, check out our pages showing you how to get Resonite Crystals, how to get Calm Thoughts, and how to find a Lamp Fish.