How to get Rookidee and evolution Corvisquire and Corviknight in Pokémon Go
How to catch Rookidee, the Tiny Bird Pokémon.
Rookidee, Corvisquire and Corviknight, its two evolutions, are part of Gen 8 and can now be finally caught in Pokémon Go.
To say Gen 8 has been released slowly in Pokémon Go is a bit of an understatement, but, thanks to the Steeled Resolve event in January 2025, we can finally add the traditional three-stage Flying-type Pokémon to this generation's Pokédex. Though Rookidee's evolutionary line doesn't remain a pure Flying-type one since Corviknight is also part Steel-type.
So look below to learn how to get Rookidee in Pokémon Go before taking a look at how to evolve Rookidee into Corvisquire and Corviknight.
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How to get Rookidee in Pokémon Go
Rookidee made its forest appearance in Pokémon Go during January 2025 as part of the Steeled Resolve event.
Here's a rundown of how to catch Rookidee during Steeled Resolve in Pokémon Go:

- In 2km eggs collected during Steeled Resolve - Tier 1
- Possible spawn for Magnetic Lure Module
- Pokémon encounter reward in Go Battle League
As you can tell from the above, catching a Rookidee in Pokémon Go involves putting in some work - whether it's walking to hatch some eggs, battling your way through the Go Battle League or getting yourself a Magnetic Lure Module if you don't have one going spare. Due to this, let's break down the pros and cons for each method.
Starting with hatching a Rookidee from 2km eggs, the first thing to remember is that Rookidee will only be present in eggs collected during the Steeled Resolve event. It will not magically appear in any 2km eggs you collected prior to 10am (local time) on Tuesday 21st January. Secondly, Rookidee isn't alone in this egg pool. There are three other Pokémon which can hatch from these eggs, so keep that in mind if you plan on hatching a Rookidee. The good news, however, is that Rookidee is part of Tier 1 of the egg pool, meaning that it is - technically - an easy hatch. You'll also earn more Rookidee Candy from hatching it rather than catching it.
For these reasons, it's a good idea to focus on hatching 2km eggs while you go about other things in Pokémon Go. Make sure you're always trying to grab a new 2km egg whenever the one you've been focusing on has hatched. Yet, don't assume this method will guarantee you a Rookiedee though. There's still a chance you'll end up hatching Carbink after Carbink…

On to method number two! Finding a Rookidee as a Magnetic Lure Module spawns requires one of the lure modules to be live at a PokéStop. Now maybe you'll get lucky during your travels and discover another player has placed a Magnetic Lure Module at a PokéStop, allowing you to enjoy these spawns at no cost. If you don't get lucky though, then you'll need to pay the Magnetic Lure Module cost yourself.
If you don't currently have one going spare, Magnetic Lure Modules cost 180 PokéCoins from the in-game shop. You can also currently earn one for free by fully completing the Steeled Resolve Timed Research quest no matter which path you take.
When it comes to using a Magnetic Lure Module, it's important to remember that they last for 30 minutes. Thanks to this, you'll want to place it at a PokéStop where you can sit comfortably for a while to ensure you make the most of it. Magnetic Lure Modules are also a requirement for a number of Pokémon evolutions, so you may want to take the time to add a Probopass, Vikavolt or Magnezone to your Pokédex. Yet, if you're still working your way towards these Pokémon, you may want to keep your free Magnetic Lure Module for a later date.

Finally, we come to the Go Battle League. This is perfect for anyone who loves battling in Pokémon Go and wants a Rookidee! You need to defeat three Trainers out of a set of five to earn a Pokémon encounter, but, remember, there's still a chance you'll get another Pokémon. Plus, the higher you rise in the ranks, the more Pokémon are added as possible rewards.
Catching a Rookidee via the Go Battle League is still a viable option (even if you're not very good at battling), because the Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny event is currently running. During this event, the number of battles you can complete daily has been increased to 100. Thanks to this, if you just keep battling, I'm sure you'll be able to catch a Rookidee. Eventually.
As you can see each method for catching Rookidee has its advantages and disadvantages, but hopefully there's one which suits your playstyle. Personally, I'm going to try hatching a Rookidee and, if I get to the last day of the event on Sunday 26th January, I'm going to use a Magnetic Lure Module. (And hope the January weather is kind to me.)
We do highly recommend catching a Rookidee during the Steeled Resolve as, like with all newly released Pokémon, there's no easy way to tell how you'll be able to get ahold of them after the event ends. It's best to put in a bit of effort now to save yourself a long wait later on.
The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Beloved Buddies event is currently running in Pokémon Go and sees the release of Dhelmise! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
How to evolve Rookidee into Corvisquire and Corviknight in Pokémon Go
To evolve Rookidee into Corvisquire you need 25 Rookidee Candy. You then need an additional 100 Rookidee Candy to evolve Corvisquire into Corviknight. This means you need a total of 125 Rookidee Candy to complete this evolution line, which is pretty standard in the terms of three-stage evolution in Pokémon Go.

When it comes to collecting Rookidee Candy, it's a good idea to use Pinap Berries whenever you have the chance to double the amount of candy you earn from each catch too. Though, since you earn more candy from hatching eggs than catching them, it's also a good idea to prioritise hatching the Steeled Resolve-exclusive 2km eggs as they can contain Rookidees. Just remember that 2km eggs collected before this event will not contain Rookidees.
Rookidee Candy can also be earned by having the Pokémon, or one of its evolutions, as your buddy and by spending Rare Candy. (Though we remember saving your Rare Candy for rarer Pokémon like Dreepy or for Legendary Pokés.)
Good luck adding Rookidee, Corvisquire and Corviknight to your Pokémon Go Pokédex!