How to find Bouldy Hurl in Infinity Nikki
Where to find and how to beat this variation of Bouldy.
Finding Bouldy Hurl in Infinity Nikki and then beating them one time is part of the day one tasks for the Starry Lake Serenade event.
Now, you do fight a Bouldy quite early in the story in Infinity Nikki and the one you need for the task is different. If you've not reached the 'Secret Ledger' main story quest then you'll need to get there before you can attempt this event task.
Without further ado, here's how to find Bouldy Hurl in Infinity Nikki plus tips on how to defeat them.
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How to find Bouldy Hurl in Infinity Nikki
To find Bouldy Hurl in Infinity Nikki you need to have unlocked this boss in Phantom Trials in the Realm of the Dark.
To do this, you must complete the 'Secret Ledger' main story quest where you first beat Bouldy in the cave. After you've done this, the Realm of the Dark will unlock at Warp Spires across Miraland where you can face variations of Bouldy in Phantom Trials.

Once you've unlocked the Realm of the Dark, head to a Warp Spire and enter the realm. Here, you'll be able to see currently unlocked Phantom Trials which should already include Bouldy.
You'll find that there are multiple versions of Bouldy here, but the one you need to defeat for this Starry Lake Serenade task is Boudly Hurl.

Select this one from the list and enter the trial.
How to beat Bouldy Hurl in Infinity Nikki
To beat Bouldy Hurl you need to purify the weak spot on its chest whenever it appears.It usually appears after Bouldy attacks, if it doesn't then this is a sign that another attack is coming quite quickly - so get ready to dodge.
However, this will be slightly harder than the first time you fought this boss as this variant is stronger and has more persistent attacks. Watch for purple circles to appear on the ground, when they appear make sure you're not standing in them or near them as this indicates where Bouldy will land or attack.

Also, when Bouldy starts to roll out boulders you can use your dash ability to dodge them. Sometimes they'll roll one at a time out, roll out three at once or spin around and launch multiple ones out in different directions. No matter how they launch them the trick is the same - dodge them and don't get hit.
Once you've hit Bouldy's weak spot enough they'll be defeated. Doing this once will clear the Starry Lake Serenade event quest. Also, when you've beaten Bouldy Hurl you can spend 40 Vital Energy to get a small amount of Bedrock Crystal: Hurl as a reward. The more vital Energy you exchange here, the more Bedrock Crystal you'll obtain.

That's all for now! If you're looking for more Infinity Nikki content, check out our pages showing you the current and upcoming Resonance banners or our page listing all outfits and how to get them.