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How to complete Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki

Plus, how to start this photo investigation and rewards explained.

infinity nikki momo nikki and avaro at flora wharf for find the furry friends photo investigation
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

The Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki once again has Nikki and Momo helping Avaro find a couple of creatures in different photos he's taken - only this time he's used a hot air balloon to get aerial shots!

This photo investigation is also currently part of the Leisurely Encounter tasks for the New Horizons event in Infinity Nikki. So, by taking some time to complete this random quest in Florawish you can get your hands on some pretty useful rewards.

Without further ado, here's how to start and how to complete the Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki.

How to start the Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki

To start the Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki you must first complete the Animal Trail Photo Investigation with Avaro.

Once you've completed the Animal Trail one, head into the New Horizons tab of the events menu and select the 'Leisurely Encounters' option. This will bring up a trio of quests on the right side of the screen. Here, select the 'Find the Furry Friends' option and use the indicated prompt to start it.

infinity nikki find the furry friends photo investigation leisurely encounters starting menu
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

When you've done this, Avaro's location for the quest will appear on your map. Go and find Avaro at Flora Wharf in Florawish, he's on the upper balcony of the main building here. We've also marked his location on the map below:

infinity nikki find the furry friends photo investigation map location
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

This quest will be discovered once you walk close to Avaro, but you need to speak with him and say yes to helping him to start it properly.

How to complete Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki

To complete the Find the Furry Friends Photo Investigation in Infinity Nikki you need to find all Ambirds and Shirtcats in each of the three photos Avaro gives you.

In all of our images below, Ambirds are marked with circles and Shirtcats are marked with squares.

In the first photo there are two Ambirds and three Shirtcats, here's where to find them:

  • The first Shirtcat is by the bottom window of the main building, near the tree.
  • The second Shirtcat is by the front table with the umbrella on the balcony of the building to the left.
  • The third Shirtcat is by the chimney of the main building.
  • The first Ambird is in a nest on the roof of the main building.
  • The second Ambird is sitting on the front balcony of the main building above the striped shelter.
infinity nikki find the furry friends photo investigation photo one answers
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

In the second photo there are two Ambirds and three Shirtcats too, here's where to find them:

  • The first Ambird is sitting on the chimney stack in the foreground on the left side of the photo.
  • The second Ambird is tucked into the left side of the angular building on the right side of the photo, it's sitting just beneath the bottom of the pale blue flag here.
  • The first Shirtcat is on the ground beside the angular building on the right side of the image.
  • The second Shirtcat is on the ground just beneath a tree to the left side of the angular building.
  • The third Shirtcat is lounging on the balcony of the building on the left side of the photo.
infinity nikki find the furry friends photo investigation photo two answers
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Finally, there are also two Ambirds and three Shirtcats in the last photo, here's where to find them:

  • The first Shirtcat is sitting on the roof of the main building on the right side of the photo.
  • The second Shirtcat is at ground level beneath the one on the roof.
  • The third Shirtcat is sitting to the right of the plant by the doors on the main balcony in the center of the photo.
  • The first Ambird is sitting in the bush at ground level to the right of the stairs in the center of the photo.
  • The second Ambird is sitting on the vine-covered portion of the balcony on the left side of the photo.
infinity nikki find the furry friends photo investigation photo three answers
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Once you've found all of them a greatful Avaro will reward you with 30 Diamonds, 120 Shiny Bubbles and 30,000 Bling. These rewards are different to other photo investigations because this one is part of the New Horizons event currently.

That's it for now! If you're looking for more Infinity Nikki help, check out our pages showing you the White Jade Ship location and the White Jade Observation answer.

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