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How to become Godzilla in Fortnite

All the ways to play as Godzilla.

fortnite godzilla
Image credit: Epic Games

To become Godzilla in Fortnite you need a little bit of patience and a lot of luck as only one person in a match can become the famous character, its a race to see who gets there first when the proper warnings appear.

Also, you're not guaranteed to have this chance every single match you drop into in Fortnite so if you don't get the chance the first time, or indeed the second or third, you just need to keep trying. However, if you just want to look like Godzilla then there's an easy way to do that - for a price.

Without further ado, here's how to become Godzilla in Fortnite.

How to become Godzilla in Fortnite

To become a full-sized Godzilla in Fortnite you need to find the Godzilla portal that can spawn near the start of a match. This is usually a random spawn so it's not promised to appear every match.

If you have the chance to become Godzilla in your match then an alert will appear at the bottom of your screen that tells you 'Godzilla portal is open'.

fortnite godzilla portal opening alert
Get ready to run! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

As soon as you see this, open up your map to find the Godzilla icon and get there as fast as you can as only the first player to enter the portal will become Godzilla. If you can, use a vehicle to increase your chances of getting there in time.

This is the icon you want to watch out for on your map:

fortnite godzilla portal icon on map
Head for the icon as fast as you can and be the first person through the portal. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

If you become Godzilla then other players will team up to try to take you down. You'll be equipped with several useful abilities, as well as being massive to try to stop them:

  • Roar - This reveals any players nearby so you can plan your next attack, there's nowhere for them to hide!
  • Heat Ray - Burn it all to the ground.
  • Mighty Stomp Attack - Crush your foes with your big toes.

However, if someone beats you to it then you'll see Godzilla rising from the portal and starting to destroy everything around them. You can either join other players trying to take Godzilla down, or you can run for cover and hope they don't find you.

fortnite godzilla incoming alert
This alert is telling you someone else has beaten you there. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

There is another way to become Godzilla but you won't get the abilities or size you'll get if you use an in-game portal. If you just want to look the part, then you can get the Godzilla Evolved and Energized Godzilla skins through the battle pass.

fortnite godzilla evolved skin
Evolved Godzilla is the first Godzilla-themed skin you can get in the battle pass. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Epic Games

That's it for now - good luck!

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