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How craft Breath of Wilderness in Infinity Nikki

How to get the Breath of Wilderness sketch.

Breath of Wilderness in Infinity Nikki is another fragrance you can create through collecting various materials and by exploring a specific cave. This one increases Plunging Attack knockback distance.

The cave in question for this fragrance is located on Firework Isles, a new area added to Infinity Nikki as part of the 1.2 update. If you've not been here yet, then head down to Flora Wharf to catch a boat to the Isles and get ready to do a bit of walking to this specific cave.

On that note, here's how to get the sketch for and how to craft Breath of Wilderness in Infinity Nikki.

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How to get Breath of Wilderness sketch in Infinity Nikki

To get the Breath of Wilderness sketch in Infinity Nikki you need to complete the complete the 'Find Fragrance: Grace of Leaves' random quest on Firework Isles and unlock the sketch in the Heart of Infinity.

To do this, head to the Behind-The-Mountain Cavern on the west side of Songbreeze Highland on Firework Isles. We've marked the cavern's location on the map below for you:

infinity nikki  Behind-The-Mountain Cavern map location

Head inside the cavern and follow the path around until it brings you to a large area filled with Esselings. Purify all of them.

infinity nikki  Behind-The-Mountain Cavern esselings before grace of leaves box

Once you've dealt with the Esselings, make your way up to the chest in this area and open it to collect the 'Grace of Leaves'.

infinity nikki  Behind-The-Mountain Cavern grace of leaves location

When you've got this, open the Heart of Infinity and unlock the Breath of Wilderness sketch. You'll find it on a node on the left side of the Heart of Infinity menu:

infinity nikki breath of wilderness fragrance sketch node in heart of infinity
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

It will cost 50,000 Bling to unlock and you must have the Grace of Leaves to be able to do so. Once it's unlocked, you'll own the Breath of Wilderness sketch.

How to craft Breath of Wilderness in Infinity Nikki

To craft Breath of Wilderness in Infinity Nikki you will need the following materials:

  • 1 Grudging Cloth
  • 1 Grace of Leaves
  • 10 Brokenheart Patch
  • 10 Furious Ribbon
  • 50 Thread of Purity

When you've got these materials, open up your sketch menu via your Pear-Pal and locate the Breath of Wilderness sketch in the 'Fragrances' tab. Select the sketch then, when in the crafting menu, use the prompted command to craft it - it's that simple!

infinity nikki breath of wilderness crafting screen

That's all for now! If you're looking for more Infinity Nikki help, check out our pages showing you how to get the Fiery Glow outfit and how to get Glowing Thoughts.

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