Here's our first look at Xbox One's new Guide
Quick jump to recent apps, set video capture options.
The Xbox One's Guide feature is about to get a spruce-up, care of an incoming console update.
Last night, care of Xbox exec Mike Ybarra, we glimpsed this changed Guide for the first time.

This updated version of the user interface will let you jump to recently-played games and apps from the Guide itself. You can also set recording options for video clips, navigate to the Xbox Store or your game library, or your Xbox Home.
That last option - a link to Xbox Home - is important because the new Xbox Guide will pop out of the right-side of the screen with a single button press, as opposed to the quick double-tap you have to perform now.
Currently a single button press takes you directly to Xbox Home. This will no longer be the case.
It's an interesting change in philosophy for Microsoft. When Xbox One launched, it did so without a Guide - much to the chagrin of Xbox 360 fans. Your Home screen as a whole was intended as its replacement.
But, over the years, the Guide has returned and slowly been filled with more and more functionality.
One final change in the next Xbox update will be integration of streaming via Beam - the service Ybarra was using last night when he showed off the Guide after a request from fans. You can watch it here, at the 10:25 mark.