Genshin Impact Sprayfeather Gill locations
Where you can find this new ascension material in Natlan.
With the region of Natlan, Genshin Impact introduced a long list of new creatures, characters, and materials. Among them, we find Sprayfeather Gill.
Genshin Impact 5.0 update takes the Traveler and Paimon to the Land of Dragons, where competition between the strongest warriors in Natlan is about to begin. Alongside the new characters added to the game, we have a fair number of materials needed to make them ready to fight.
Collecting Sprayfeather Gill is fundamental if you plan on investing time and Mora into upgrading a powerful warrior from the People of the Springs Villages who surfs a shark. To make the farming process less tiresome, we prepared this guide explaining the Sprayfeather Gill locations and where to buy them.
On this page:
What is Sprayfeather Gill used for in Genshin Impact
In case you don't know, Spreafeather Gill is the ascension material required to level up Mualani. The first 5-star character from Natlan, Mualani has a fun kit which allows her to surf on a shark and use Hydro bombs to attack enemies.

As of the time of writing this guide, Mualani is the only character who needs this material. But if you decide to spend your precious primogems on her banner, you must prepare a good farming routine because putting her at max level requires 168 Sprayfeather Gill.
Genshin Impact Sprayfeather Gill locations
Spread over the Toyac Springs region, there are a total of 73 Sprayfeather Gill nodes from where you can collect this material. Each node gives only one Sprayfeather Gill and it takes two days for them to respawn.
Below, you'll find the location of every node split into two areas, the Ameyalco Waters and the People of the Springs Village. Both are in the Toyac Springs region, but splitting them makes setting up a farm route easier.
Ameyalco Water
For this area, you want to take advantage of how close most nodes are to certain teleports. Start from the Teleport Waypoint on the Northwest and glide your way to the adjacent nodes. Don't waste too much time trying to walk your way to southern nodes. Use the Teleport Waypoint on the East side of the map to get to the nodes from the middle to the bottom section of the map.

There is a Statue of the Seven on the South part of the map. Consider using it to reach the last nodes on the South side of the map. It might sound like a lot of loading screens, but it is the fastest route to the last nodes.
People of the Springs Village
Farming the nodes in this second area is a little bit annoying when compared to the first. You can start by using the Teleport Waypoint to the West of the People of the Springs Village and go South. Then, teleport to the Southeast waypoint and glide toward the small island on the West where you find a single node.

For the underground nodes, you want to use the Teleport Waypoints underneath the two southern islands to collect the Sprayfeather Gills near their position. Next, you want to go to the underground. Teleport to the Waypoint Southwest from the Statue of the Seven to grab the Sprayfeather Gills in this area. If you haven't yet, you must complete the Tale of Dreams Plucked from Fire World Quest to access this area.
Where to buy Sprayfeather Gill in Genshin Impact
It's not uncommon for some NPC in Genshin Impact to sell some materials, which doesn't rule out the necessity of farming them, but saves you time. However, no NPC sells Sprayfeather Gill as far as we know.

Even though you can't buy Sprayfeather Gill, you can cultivate them in your Serenitea Pot. You just need to have the Seed Dispensary equipped when collecting the Sprayfeather Gills.
Enjoy your time farming Sprayfeather Gill in Genshin Impact!