How to get Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact
How to get Blazing Flint Ore to unlock the Pyro Traveler's true Constellations.
You need to use Blazing Flint Ore to get the true, upgraded Constellations for the Pyro Traveler in Genshin Impact.
This means to unlock all six true Constellations for the Pyro Traveler, you need to get a total of six Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact. This can take quite some time to do, as the ore is linked to achieving the maximum Reputation Level of all six tribes in Natlan.
If you want more details, we've explained exactly how to get Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact below, along with how to use Blazing Flint Ore for when you do get it.
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How to get Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact
You need to reach the maximum of Reputation Level 4 with a tribe in Natlan to get one Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact. This means you need to reach Reputation Level 4 with all six Natlan tribes in order to get all six Blazing Flint Ore rewards.
As of writing, the Collective of Plenty tribe is not available, meaning you can only get a total of five Blazing Flint Ore, blocking off the final Constellation upgrade for the Pyro Traveler.
The five tribes currently available in Natlan with Blazing Flint Ore rewards are:
- Children of Echoes
- People of the Springs
- Scions of the Canopy
- Flower-Feather Clan
- Masters of the Night-Wind
To raise your Reputation Level with a tribe, you need to earn that tribe's specific Reputation EXP by completing their bounties and supply notices, exploring the tribe's region, and completing tribe-specific quests. For example, to get EXP for the Children of Echoes Reputation, you need to complete tasks that give you Children of Echoes EXP.
You can see exactly what quests give you a specific tribe's EXP by going into the 'Natlan Quests' section of that tribe's Reputation menu, accessed by talking to the NPC beside a tribe's Obsidian Totem Pole.
Keep in mind that you can only pick up to three Bounties every week. This is shared across every region's Reputation. So if you've already completed one Bounty in Inazuma, and two in Sumeru, for example, you won't be able to pick up any more from Natlan until the week resets.
Version 5.4 with Mizuki is nearly here! For now, during version 5.3 we have Arlecchino and Clorinde. So don't forget to redeem new codes for Primogems to help pull them, and check out our regularly updated tier list. You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events. Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners.
How to use Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact
Once you have it, go to the Throne of the Primal Fire in Ochkanatlan to use your Blazing Flint Ore in exchange for upgraded Constellations for the Pyro Traveler. The Throne of the Primal Fire is in the middle of the large island in the Ochkanatlan region of Natlan, at the very top.
You need to be the Pyro Traveler in order to offer your Blazing Flint Ore to the Throne of the Primal Fire. So a quick lineup change is required if you don't currently have them on your team.
You unlock one true Constellation for the Pyro Traveler everytime you offer one Blazing Flint Ore at the Throne of the Primal Fire. If you'd like to know what all of the Pyro Traveler's true Constellations are, check out our Pyro Traveler kit and materials page.
Good luck earning Blazing Flint Ore in Genshin Impact!