Genshin Impact Furina materials, kit, and Constellations
Ascension and Talent materials for Furina.
Furina is a 5-Star Hydro character who debuted in Genshin Impact during version 4.2.
While Furina is featured as the boosted 5-Star character on her Chanson of Many Waters Banner in version 5.4, she will eventually return to Genshin Impact at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to her.
If you want to prepare for her, we've listed Furina's Ascension materials and Talent materials so you can level her up to her full potential right away. To understand how you might play her, we've also detailed Furina's kit and Constellations.
On this page:
Furina kit
Furina is a 5-Star Hydro character who uses a sword, and keeping in mind that all of the percentages mentioned below are based on Level 1 Skills, here's a summary of Furina's kit in Genshin Impact:

- Element: Hydro.
- Rarity: 5-Star.
- Weapon: Sword.
- Normal Attack: Soloist's Solicitation.
- Elemental Skill: Salon Solitaire.
- Elemental Burst: Let the People Rejoice.
- Passive one: Endless Waltz (If the source of healing is not Furina when the active character in your party receives healing and healing overflows, then Furina will heal a nearby party member for 2% of their Max HP once every two seconds within the next four seconds).
- Passive two: Unheard Confession (Every 1,000 points of Furina's Max HP increases Salon Member damage dealt by 0.7%, up to a maximum of 28%, and decreases the active character's healing interval of the Singers of the Streams by 0.4%, up to a maximum of 16%).
- Ability bonus: The Sea is My Stage (Cooldown of Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrant ability decreased by 30%).
Furina Normal Attack - Soloist's Solicitation
When tapping the normal attack button Furina can perform up to four consecutive strikes. Holding the button instead consumes stamina for a charged attack, which deals Physical damage to nearby opponents and changes Furina's Arkhe alignment. So if Salon Members or Singers of the Streams summoned by her Elemental Skill are present, their lineup will switch in response.
Furina's plunge attack is pretty standard, as she plunges down from above to deal AOE damage upon impact, and damages opponents along her path down.
Additionally, at intervals when Furina's normal attacks hit, a Surging Blade or a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend based on her current alignment, dealing Hydro damage. When Furina takes the field, her starting Arkhe will always be Ousia.
Furina Elemental Skill - Salon Solitaire
Salon Solitaire summons either the Salon Members or the Singers of the Streams based on Furina's current Arkhe alignment.
While the Salon Members and the Singer of Many Waters are on the field, Furina can move on the water's surface.
Foaming bubbles dance, dealing AOE Hydro damage based on Furina's Max HP and summons three Salon Members: the Ball Octopus-shaped Gentilhomme Usher, the Bubbly Seahorse-shaped Surintendante Chevalmarin, and the Armored Crab-shaped Mademoiselle Crabaletta. The Salon Members attack nearby opponents at intervals, prioritising the target of the active character, dealing Hydro damage based on Furina's Max HP.
When the Salon Members attack, if characters with more than 50% HP are nearby, the Members will consume the characters' HP and increase their current attack power based on the number of characters who have "offered" HP this way. If the characters with HP consumed are 1/2/3/4 (or more), the Members' attacks will deal 110%/120%/130%/140% of their original damage.
Summons the Singers of of Many Waters instead, who heals nearby active characters at intervals based on Furina's Max HP. The Salon Members and Singers of of Many Waters share a duration, and when Furina uses her charged attack to change her alignment, the new guests will inherit the initial duration.

Furina Elemental Burst - Let the People Rejoice
Furina creates a stage of foam that deals AOE Hydro damage based on her Max HP and causes all party members to enter the Universal Revelry state. In this state, when nearby party members' HP increases or decreases, they grant Furina one Fanfare Point based on the percentage their Max HP changed.
At the same time, Furina increases both the damage dealt and Incoming Healing Bonus of all nearby party members, based on the amount of Fanfare she has. When the duration ends, Furina's Fanfare points are cleared.
Furina Talent materials

To get the most out of using Furina, you will have to level her skills up by using Talent materials, which vary from character-to-character.
For Furina, you need to farm a lot of Nectar and Justice materials (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade her capabilities.
As Furina has three Talents, you will have to spend three times the Talent materials listed below to fully upgrade all of her abilities, which we've also detailed below the table.
Here's what Furina Talent materials you need to improve one of her abilities:
Furina Talent level | Furina Talent materials | Mora cost |
Level 2 | x3 Teachings of Justice, x6 Whopperflower Nectar | 12,500 |
Level 3 | x2 Guide to Justice, x3 Shimmering Nectar | 17,500 |
Level 4 | x4 Guide to Justice, x4 Shimmering Nectar | 25,000 |
Level 5 | x6 Guide to Justice, x6 Shimmering Nectar | 30,000 |
Level 6 | x9 Guide to Justice, x9 Shimmering Nectar | 37,500 |
Level 7 | x4 Philosophies of Justice, x4 Energy Nectar, x1 Lightless Mass | 120,000 |
Level 8 | x6 Philosophies of Justice, x6 Energy Nectar, x1 Lightless Mass | 260,000 |
Level 9 | x12 Philosophies of Justice, x9 Energy Nectar, x2 Lightless Mass | 450,000 |
Level 10 | x16 Philosophies of Justice, x12 Energy Nectar, x2 Lightless Mass, x1 Crown of Insight | 700,000 |
Here's what Talent Materials you'll need to fully upgrade one of Furina's skills:
- x1 Crown of Insight
- x3 Teachings of Justice
- x6 Whopperflower Nectar
- x6 Lightless Mass
- x21 Guide to Justice
- x22 Shimmering Nectar
- x31 Energy Nectar
- x38 Philosophies of Justice
- 1,652,500 Mora
To upgrade all three of Furina's skills, here's all the Talent Materials you'll need:
- x3 Crown of Insight
- x9 Teachings of Justice
- x18 Whopperflower Nectar
- x18 Lightless Mass
- x63 Guide to Justice
- x66 Shimmering Nectar
- x93 Energy Nectar
- x114 Philosophies of Justice
- 4,957,500 Mora
Version 5.4 with Mizuki is here! So don't forget to redeem new codes for Primogems to help pull her, and check out our regularly updated tier list. You need luck from the Pity and 50/50 systems to Wish with Fate for characters on Banners, and you always need the right Adventure Rank for events. Elsewhere, we have tips and tricks for beginners.
Furina Ascension materials

Just like Talents, you need to use Furina Ascension materials to upgrade her health, attack, defence, and critical hit effectiveness.
You need to farm a lot of Lakelight Lily and Nectar materials for Furina (if you don't already have them) to fully upgrade her capabilities.
Unlike Talent materials, you only need to spend the below Ascension materials once to fully raise Furina to her highest character level. There is also Acquaint Fate rewarded for reaching certain Ascension levels. You can spend this Fate on the standard and beginner Banners to Wish for characters and weapons.
Here's what Furina Ascension materials and Mora you need to upgrade her for each Ascension level:
Furina Ascension level | Furina Ascension materials | Mora cost | Ascension reward |
Level 20 | x1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver, x3 Lakelight Lily, x3 Whopperflower Nectar | 20,000 | x1 Acquaint Fate |
Level 40 | x3 Varunada Lazurite Fragment, x2 Water That Failed To Transcend, x10 Lakelight Lily, x15 Whopperflower Nectar | 40,000 | None |
Level 50 | x6 Varunada Lazurite Fragment, x4 Water That Failed To Transcend, x20 Lakelight Lily, x12 Shimmering Nectar | 60,000 | x1 Acquaint Fate |
Level 60 | x3 Varunada Lazurite Chunk, x8 Water That Failed To Transcend, x30 Lakelight Lily, x18 Shimmering Nectar | 80,000 | None |
Level 70 | x6 Varunada Lazurite Chunk, x12 Water That Failed To Transcend, x45 Lakelight Lily, x12 Energy Nectar | 100,000 | x1 Acquaint Fate |
Level 80 | x6 Varunada Lazurite Gemstone, x20 Water That Failed To Transcend, x60 Lakelight Lily, x24 Energy Nectar | 120,000 | None |
In total, here's all the Ascension Materials you need for Furina in Genshin Impact:
- x1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver
- x6 Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
- x9 Varunada Lazurite Fragment
- x9 Varunada Lazurite Chunk
- x18 Whopperflower Nectar
- x30 Shimmering Nectar
- x36 Energy Nectar
- x46 Water That Failed To Transcend
- x168 Lakelight Lily
- 420,000 Mora
Furina Constellations
By getting duplicates of Furina from wishing on her Banner, you will receive her Stella Fortuna. This material allows you to unlock Constellation levels, with each upgrade either improving an existing Talent or Passive ability.

Here are all of Furina's Constellations in Genshin Impact:
- Love Is a Rebellious Bird That None Can Tame (C1): When using her Elemental Burst, Furina gains 150 Fanfare, and her Fanfare limit is increased by 100.
- A Woman Adapts Like Duckweed in Water (C2): Furina's Fanfare gain from increases or decreases in nearby characters' HP is increased by 250% while her Elemental Burst lasts. Each point of Fanfare above the limit increases Furina's Max HP by 0.35%, with a maximum Max HP increase of 140%.
- My Secret Is Hidden Within Me, No One Will Know My Name (C3): Increases the Level of Furina's Elemental Burst by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.
- They Know Not Life, Who Dwelt in the Netherworld Not! (C4): Furina restores four Energy when the Salon Members from Furina' Elemental Skill hit an opponent, or the Singers of the Streams restore HP to the active character. This effect can trigger once every five seconds.
- His Name I Now Know, It Is...! (C5): Increases the Level of Furina's Elemental Skill by three, with a maximum upgrade level of 15.
- Hear Me - Let Us Raise the Chalice of Love (C6): When using her Elemental Skill, Furina gains the 'Center of Attention' buff for ten seconds. While buffed, Furina's normal, charged, and plunging attacks are converted into Hydro damage which cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion. Damage is also increased by 18% of Furina's max HP. Throughout Center of Attention, Furina's normal, charged, and plunging attacks also cause different effects up to every 0.1 seconds after hitting opponents, depending on her current Arkhe alignment:
- Ousia aligned - All nearby characters in the party are healed by 4% of Furina's max HP every one second for a duration of 2.9 seconds. Triggering this effect again extends its duration.
- Pneuma aligned - Normal, charged, and plunging attack impact damage is further increased by 25% of Furina's max HP. When any of the attacks mentioned previously hit an opponent, all nearby characters in the party consume 1% of their current HP. During each instance of Center of Attention, the above effects can trigger up to six times. Center of Attention ends when its effects have triggered six times, or when its duration expires.
Good luck levelling up Furina in Genshin Impact!