Gearbox details Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2
New level cap of 72, 11 more skill points, more.
Gearbox Software has detailed the innards of the Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2, due out on PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on 3rd September 2013.
The pack raises the level cap by 11 to 72 when combined with the first Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack. As a result, characters gain 11 more skill points.

Elsewhere, a new map and mission, Raid on Digistruct Peak, will be added, alongside new Legendary class mods and Pearlescent-grade weapons. You can also unlock overpowered enemies for more powerful loot. If you defeat the Raid on Digistruct Peak challenge at level 72 will earn the ability to wield loot that exceeds the level 72 cap and battle even harder enemies.
And, as you'd expect, there will be new heads and skins to unlock.
If you pick up Upgrade Pack 2 and you already own the first Upgrade Pack, you'll get additional bonuses. Pack two costs $4.99 and, unlike Pack one, is not included in Season Pass.