GAME apologises after Super Mario Maker mix-up
UPDATE: GAME tells customers to expect money back within the next 48 hours.
UPDATE 9/9/15 12.40pm Emails have begun arriving with customers advising them of GAME's next steps in returning money to customers who were over-charged for Super Mario Maker pre-orders. "On Monday we became aware of an issue with some isolated orders," reads the note from GAME's head of customer services. "This has impacted a number of customers who pre-ordered the Wii U exclusive, Super Mario Maker. We have been working through crediting any pending transactions with our banking partners as a top priority. You should see these appear on your account over the next couple of days as we resolve everything ready for the product release on Friday."
Some customers remain disgruntled that the money may not appear in their accounts for another 48 hours, up to four days after the issue arose, and there's no mention just yet of compensation for those who've incurred fees for going overdrawn due to the multiple charges from their account.
UPDATE 8/9/15 2.55pm GAME has provided Eurogamer with an update regarding the multiple charges - up to £329 - for some customers that had pre-ordered Super Mario Maker.
The chain has said it is working "urgently" with banking partners to resolve the issue. Hopefully this means that customers who have now gone overdrawn will not face any fees.
GAME's statement in full lies below:
UPDATE 8/9/15 10.25am GAME customers who pre-ordered Super Mario Maker have woken this morning to find that their bank accounts have now been charged again multiple times.

Many have now been charged for seven copies of the game - costing £328.93 - when they had only ordered one.
Last night GAME apologised after customers noticed multiple payments had been taken from their accounts.
At the time, GAME's support team said that the issue had been identified and would be resolved today.
But the charges have continued this morning, and some customers have reported going overdrawn.
"The situation has gotten worse since I and several others on the EG forums (not to mention GAF and Twitter) woke to find we'd been charged again," Eurogamer reader Toaster05 told us. "Personally I'm up to seven transactions at this time."
GAME customer Mark Pickard explained on Twitter that he had been forced to contact his bank after discovering that the retailer had now caused his account to go overdrawn:
Other customers have been forced to cancel their orders to stop more payments being taken - in order to also avoid becoming overdrawn. Doing so means they have now lost their copies of the game and its limited edition Amiibo figurine in the process.
"I had to cancel the order as it was on four [charges] already," Eurogamer reader Jamie explained. "So they've stole £190 off me and I won't even get the game! All I wanted was the game and Amiibo on Friday."
Eurogamer has been in contact with GAME this morning and is awaiting an official response.
ORIGINAL STORY 7/9/15 6.30pm UK retailer GAME has apologised to customers that have been charged up to five times for their pre-orders of Wii U exclusive Super Mario Maker.

Nintendo's platformer creator is due to launch this week. Today, GAME took payment from customers that had Super Mario Maker pre-ordered.
Except, for many customers, GAME took payment multiple times.
"GAME have charged me 4x for Super Mario Maker," Twitter user Ragonkai told Eurogamer. "Anyone else with this problem?"
"Had five emails about Mario Maker pre-order [and] five times money come out," user G_Obertron complained to GAME's official Twitter account. "No answering phone either. #help"
Several users were charged as much as £234.95, the cost of five copies of the game.
GAME has now acknowledged the error and said that all affected customers should recieve a refund in the next 24 hours.
If you have pre-ordered Super Mario Maker from GAME, it is worth checking your bank balance.