How to scan enemies with a Falcon Scout and collect their schematics in Fortnite
Know your enemy!
Scan enemies with a Falcon Scout and collect their schematics is a seasonal challenge currently live in Fortnite.
To complete this challenge, you will first need to track down a Falcon Scout in Fortnite, then scan an enemy.
Here's how to complete the challenge, including some tips on picking up enemy schematics once they have dropped them.
On this page:
Where to find a Falcon Scout
The Falcon Scout can be found in regular chests, supply drops, on the ground, and in Oathbound Chests. Oathbound Chests are the best way to go here. They generally spawn at named locations. The Citadel, Shattered Slabs, and Faulty Splits are particularly food places to check for Oathbound Chests.
Here's a map from meetlootllama on Reddit showing where all Oathbound Chests can potentially spawn in Fortnite:
Open these large white chests for a chance to get the Falcon Scout. Another way to get one is to get it from another player.

How to scan enemies with a Falcon Scout and collect their schematics in Fortnite
Once you have the Falcon Scout equipped, press the shoot button to deploy it. From there, you're essentially controlling a drone. You cannot move your character while doing this, so make sure to get into cover before deploying the scout.
Scan enemies by pressing the shoot button while the drone is out will trigger the scan function. Do this when an enemy is around, and you will mark them. If the right quest is active, the enemy will drop a schematic. You will need to head over and pick this up with your character as the Falcon Scout cannot interact with it. You'll get 20k xp upon completion and progress towards your Oathbound quests.

How to fix the Fortnite Falcon Scout unbound error
While completing this quest you may find that you have an error when using the Falcon Scout. Your Falcon Scout HUD will say 'Unbound' and you won't be able to scan, pick items up or quit from the Falcon Scout mode. The only way to fix this is to restart your game.
If you would like to learn more about Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, visit our guides on how to easily damage Guardian Shields for micro chips, how to get XP fast, character locations, and animal locations.