Final Fantasy 15 Chapter 6 - Imperial Infiltration, tackling Fort Vaullerey, Aranea boss battle, Cape Caem
How to complete Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 15.
Final Fantasy 15 Chapter 6 has you set off to Cape Caem with the All Set to Sail mission, with a diversion to Imperial Infiltration along the way. With Chapter 5 and Aracheole Stronghold out the way, you can get this started.
Meet up with Iris outside the gas station and head to Cape Caem - Ignis will do the driving, so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Imperial Infiltration, Fort Vaullerey
Recommended level: 25
When the car pulls over in Old Lestallum, cross the bridge on foot and turn left at the junction. Follow the road to the end of the wall, walk up the grassy slope, through the gap in the fence, and make your way towards the marker.
Climb the concrete ramp; when you reach the top you'll encounter a few imperial guards who'll need dealing with before climbing to the top of the tower to survey your surroundings.
For the next section you need to stay out of sight of the guards dotted around the area - they're quite hard to locate so it's easy to stray into their field of view, but if you get spotted you'll just be put back at the starting location so it's not the end of the world.
You may need to get a little closer to Calgo to get him to move, but once he starts walking head along the chain link fence parallel to his path, make your way behind the small building, and turn right behind it.
Wait behind the concrete barrier until he moves again, cross the path, and use the Warp Point above the inactive mechs opposite to reach the gantry.
Ignis will reappear below you, so follow him towards the laser gate then use the Warp Point in the next area to get an aerial vantage point. Hit Triangle / Y when prompted to take Calgo down, then backtrack to rejoin Gladio and Prompto.
There's another MA-X Maniple and generator combo here. As before, focus on the generator first and then tackle the mech - use of Link attacks and Armiger will stand you in good stead.
Aranea boss battle
As you approach the marker you'll be ambushed by Aranea. She's a tough opponent as she has no vulnerabilities, is resistant to Royal weapons, can move very quickly, and has a lot of aerial attacks that make her difficult to target.
She'll also be protected by waves of Imperial guards, and it's advisable to eliminate those as quickly as possible to allow you to focus your attacks on her without worrying about being flanked. Use Link attacks as often as you can, and stick with Lances as a weapon as they're reasonably effective for a quick attack and also work well on the guards.

Need more help? Our Final Fantasy 15 guide and walkthrough can provide tips on main story, as well as the open-world's many quests and activities. Learning how to get AP fast, EXP fast and money or Gil fast will aid you in many optional dungeons and tombs - including how to open and explore their locked doors. There's also plenty of interesting side-quests, too, such as the Scraps of Mystery and Professors Protege frog locations. And if you want to get around easier, you can rent a Chocobo, learn the infinite sprint trick and later in the game, get the flying car Regalia Type F. There's also more to see and do with DLC, such as Episode Gladiolus and Episode Prompto.
All Set to Sail to Cape Caem
Reunite with Iris, and resume your journey to Cape Caem. You'll have a couple of opportunities to stop - Malmalam Thicket has a suggested level of 35 so it's probably best to come back to it later, but opting to accept it will mark it on your map as a reminder - and the other stops are purely decorative.
When you arrive at Cape Caem speak to Cindy, follow her up the slope until you can talk to her again, and then make your way to the hut. Speak to Talcott, and when you're ready to move on speak to Iris, ending this chapter and starting Chapter 7, where you'll be taking a ride to the Vesperpool.