Features (Page 411)

On The Ropes?
Have 3dfx lost the plot? EuroGamer examines the latest announcements from Comdex...

An interview with Starbreeze, the Swedish company behind fantasy role playing game Sorcery.

The Final Frontier?
Where are space simulations going in the future? Mat Bettinson says, "To understand the future - we must look to the past" .. or something.

David Perry of Shiny
An interview with David Perry of Shiny, which is celebrating its sixth birthday this month.

Dollywood And The Gaming Industry
Or : "It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)"

Bob Wade of Binary Asylum
An exclusive interview with Bob Wade of Binary Asylum talking about his company, its demise, and the state of the gaming industry.

Ritual Entertainment
Robert Atkins and Tom Mustaine of Ritual Entertainment take time out from working on "Heavy Metal : FAKK2" to talk to EuroGamer.

Quake Across The Ocean
A comparison of the UK and US Quake scenes, through the eyes of someone who has lived in both countries.

UKPCGC Finals coverage
Full coverage from the UK PC Gaming Championship finals in London, including reports from many of the key matches...

Europe.HEAT.net launch
Gestalt recovers from his hangover long enough to bring you a report on last night's launch party for Europe.HEAT.net!

ECTS '99 Wrap Up
Almost a week has passed since the end of ECTS, and Gestalt has finally recovered enough to wrap up the event's coverage here on EuroGamer...

Unreal Tournament UK Launch Party coverage
The big party on Sunday night was the Dreamcast launch. Unfortunately we didn't have tickets for that, so instead we went to the Unreal Tournament press event at The Playing Fields...

ECTS Preview
An introduction to ECTS, Europe's biggest computer games trade show, and what you can expect from our live coverage of the event over the next three days!