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Euro BioShock date confirmed

In shops 24th August.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

2K has slammed its fist on the table this afternoon and confirmed to Eurogamer that BioShock will be sitting on European shelves on 24th August.

"We've now had clarification that the new UK release date for BioShock will be 24th August," a spokesperson for the publisher whispered into our digital ear.

It confirms earlier news that the game would be available in August, although Americans will get the game on Tuesday and we'll have to wait until Friday.

In case you haven't been listening, BioShock is an impressive looking first-person adventure that sees you explore a city under the ocean, which was originally created by scientists to be a perfect society. Naturally everything went tits-up and now huge diver-suit wearing guardians with drill-mounted hands wander the art deco halls protecting mutated girls who feast on corpses.

It'll be available for Xbox 360 and PC, though it won't feature a multiplayer mode. With Irrational pouring an immense amount of hours into the single-player experience, we're hoping that won't matter.

Head over to Eurogamer TV to see just why we're so excited.

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