Elden Ring: Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel walkthrough
Find out how to get to the Academy's Crystal Tunnel and find the Crystal Knife.
The Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel is a location in that turns out to be a small dungeon in Liurnia of the Lakes.
You will discover the entrance north of the Church of Vows or west of the Site of Grace near the Ruined Labyrinth. Enemies inside the cave are wizards and miners who toil here and mine resources, and inside you'll find an important treasure: the Crystal Knife. To learn how to get to the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel and get through it unscathed, read on for our step-by-step walkthrough on how to complete the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel in Elden Ring.
On this page:
- Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel walkthrough
- How to find the Crystal Knife
- How to beat the Crystalian boss
Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel walkthrough
To get to the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel, here is the spot on the map where you will find the entrance to the tunnels:

Use the lift to get down into the mine, although you can also leave the platform during the ride to discover some Cracked Crystals on your way down.
Behind the Site of Grace at the bottom, there is a treasure chest on the right behind some miners, which contains 1x Somber Smithing Stone (2). If you jump up to the altar, you will find another Somber Smithing Stone (3) behind it.

Follow the tunnel on the opposite side into a large mine room. If you like, you can inch across the narrow wooden plank here, and make a few (risky) jumps on the other side to loot 1x Smithing Stone (3) and a Somber Smithing Stone from the corpse on the ledge.
If you'd rather not risk it, though, then you should keep to the right of the wooden plank, kill the workers nearby and follow the passage southwards. In the next room, you can take out more mine diggers and a wizard on the right.

The passage behind the wizard leads to a corpse with 1x Smithing Stone (3). Under the wooden platform, you will discover a corpse next to a cart, which leaves behind 1x Golden Rune (3).
Now the path leads to a lift, from which you can jump out after a few metres to collect a few Cracked Crystals and 1x Somber Smithing Stone (2) at the end of the corridor.
Once at the bottom, cross the tunnel back into the large main room and carefully walk across the narrow wooden beam to the other side.

How to find the Crystal Knife
Eliminate the wizards and you can unlock a lift on the left as a shortcut. Marionette Soldiers will attack in the corridor ahead. On the right by the corpse, you will find 3x Smithing Stone (1) and in the next room on the right a treasure chest with the Crystal Knife.
The remaining tunnel leads into the next mine room, where some enemies are itching for a beating. After they have all gone, you can collect the Smithing Stones in the area and the Sorcery Shatter Earth near a corpse.

The passage to the east leads to the last lift (leave it halfway for a Somber Smithing Stone (3)). On the lowest level you will see the fog gate leading to the boss of the Crystal Tunnel.
How to beat the Crystalian boss in Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel
Unlike some of the other Crystalians you'll encounter in Elden Ring, the Crystalian inside the Raya Lucaria Tunnel fights alone, making a nice change from the Crystalian Duo in the Academy Crystal Cave, and the Putrid Crystalian Trio in Sellia Hideaway.
He throws his razor-sharp Ringblades at you, but you already know that. The attacks are easy to avoid and by no means fancy or out of the ordinary for this boss type.

The secret with the Crystalian is that you first have to break their posture with heavy R2/RT attacks before your weapon does any real damage. Until you do this, you'll only scratch its health bar.
Break his posture once and it shouldn't be difficult to finish him off entirely. As a reward, we grab 3,000 runes and the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing (1).
That's the end of the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel, so congratulations on making it through alive.