Elden Ring Ainsel River Main walkthrough
Everything you need to know about exploring the rest of the Ainsel River region.
The Ainsel River Main region in Elden Ring is a hidden area in the underworld, deep below Liurnia.
This undergound area in is filled with loot, Claymen and massive Ants that really don't like you being in their territory. All in all, you will need to stay alert and be ready to battle if you want to stay alive long enough to reach the end of this place.
If you're ready to explore, here's our complete Elden Ring Ainsel River Main walkthrough.
On this page:
Ainsel River Main location in Elden Ring
In Elden Ring, Ainsel River Main is in the northern part of the Ainsel River, and there are several ways to get here:
- Continue Ranni's quest to the point where Renna's Rise in the Three Sisters area becomes accessible. At the top of the tower, you will find a portal that will drop you off at the main arm.
- Use the coffin by the waterfall in the north-western part of the Deeproot Depths.

Exploring Ainsel River Main in Elden Ring
At the point where the teleporter drops you off, you'll find a Miniature Ranni doll, a tiny version of the witch who you can talk to at the next Site of Grace. You'll need this to progress Ranni's quest, so make sure you take it with you.

Follow the path southwards to the Site of Grace 'River Ansel Main' and keep along the course of the river. Just watch out for the Claymen, who will try to prevent your progress with their harpoons.
Continue carefully - a previously unexplored part of the Uhl Palace Ruins starts here - and on the left behind the wall here you'll find a corpse with 1x Golden Rune (7).

You'll spot a large dragonfly with nasty-looking pincers up ahead, and taking him out will make exploring the area a lot simpler for you. A few hits to the head should be enough, and on defeat it will drop 1x Somber Smithing Stone (7).
You will also find 3x Human Bone Shards, 3x Ghost Glovewort (6), and 2x Ghost Glovewort (7) (though one is in the room behind the monster, guarded by some more Claymen).
The path forks at this point:
- Heading south-west, you will pass a corpse with 1x Smithing Stone (4) and a Giant Miranda Sprout enemy, in front of which we collect 1x Stonesword Key. The path ends at the waterfall, but to the right of it you will find 1x Ghost Glovewort (6) and the Clayman Ashes.
- Continue downstream in the area behind the dragonfly monster you just killed.

On the way down the river you will find a some Giant Ants and 1x Stimulating Boluses.
On the left, you can see two winged ants, which look like wasps. They guard corpses with 2x Shield Grease and 8x Golden Rune (10), making it well worth the fight to get them.

The ant with the large head behind it is most vulnerable when you strike its body as you circle around it. The passage behind it will take you to a higher section of the Uhl Palace ruins.
Kill the two mages and follow the ledge to the right, where you will see an item above you. Drop down and follow the course of the ledge to the west.

On the left you will see a treasure chest with the Wing of Astel. Head east to reach the item on the ledge from earlier. It is 1x Somber Smithing Stone (6).
Now make your way back to the ants and continue downstream towards the north-west. At the end, collect 1x Ghost Glovewort (6) and on the left behind the open gate you will discover the Nokstella, Eternal City.
That's it for now! If you're looking for more help with Elden Ring, check out our Lake of Rot walkthrough or our page showing you how to complete Diallos's quest.