EA's new boss Andrew Wilson makes a few changes
Hands EA Sports to Söderlund, Mobile to Gibeau.
EA's plucky new CEO Andrew Wilson has made some management changes.
He's given his old EA Sports captaincy to Patrick Söderlund, a memo leaked to VentureBeat revealed. Söderlund pulled Battlefield up by its bootstraps and made it bigger than it's ever been. He'll fit his new EA Sports duties in alongside his continuing leadership of EA Games development studios.

Peter Moore, who was a candidate to take control of EA when John Riccitiello left, will continue as is; he'll lead Global Publishing and Marketing as well as the Worldwide Customer Experience and Global Media Solutions teams.
Frank Gibeau, ex-EA Games boss, will now lead EA's Mobile charge, which is a "major priority" for the company according to Wilson.
Those are the names that most affect our gaming world, but there's also EA Maxis (Sims, SimCity) boss Lucy Bradshaw joining Wilson's management team "to expand the reach of our games with new experiences".
"Our priorities right now are simple," stated Wilson. "We must deliver on our FY14 plan, continue the transformation of our organisation for our digital future, create amazing games and services, have a ruthless focus and execute.
"I will work closely with my senior management team to help drive these priorities through the organisation."
He added: "I'm incredibly motivated to lead all of you into this new era of gaming joined by a management team of unmatched experience and passion. I look forward to sharing more soon."