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EA's extraordinarily negged Star Wars Battlefront 2 Reddit comment turned into loot box skin

"Pride and accomplishment" every time.

Those cheeky Chewbaccas! A modder from the Star Wars Battlefront 2 community has turned EA's infamous - and record-breakingly downvoted - Reddit remark about locked heroes, and the loot box furore in general, into a loot box skin.

The Reddit remark came in response to iconic character Darth Vader being locked in the full-priced game at launch. "Seriously? I paid $80 to have Vader locked?" the Star Wars Battlefront 2 subreddit post asked.

"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes," EACommunityTeam's answer began, and the floodgates opened; to date the response has been downvoted more than 670,000 times.

It's this "pride and accomplishment" motto modder Dareedevokl has applied, in nice Star Wars film crawl-style lettering, to loot boxes in his PC mod (va PC Gamer). I only wonder why it took someone so long.

'The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes...'

It's not the first time a modder has taken it upon themselves to send-up EA's response to the loot box situation. When EA bigshot Blake Jorgensen said during a conference people probably wouldn't want a pink Darth Vader skin in the game, guess what someone did?

EA turned off the ability to buy Battlefront 2 loot boxes, with real money, when the game launched last November and the new Star Wars film The Last Jedi came out. Micro-transactions are still turned off now, although EA intends to reinstate them at some point. What shape they'll take, we don't know, but having the whole loot box fallout crystalise around Battlefront 2 means EA DICE is under enormous pressure to get whatever solution it comes up with right.

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