Dying Light dev takes the p*ss out of Destiny's Red Bull promo
UPDATE: Major Nelson takes part in it.
UPDATE 26/06/2015 11.17pm: Xbox Live director of programming Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb has partaken in Dying Light's #DrinkForDLC promotion, as one can see in the following Vine:
UPDATE 25/06/2015 6.15pm: Techland has decided to sweeten the deal in its Drink For DLC campaign by creating new content based on how many tweets it can get of folks hydrating themselves with good old H2O with the hashtag #DrinkForDLC.
Alternatively, those who used the original promo's hashtag, #DrinkingRightDyingLight, are also included in the tally. But from now you should use the much easier to write #DrinkForDLC.
At 5000 entries, which Techland noted it's on the cusp of reaching, we'll all get a 50 per cent XP boost in agility for 24 hours starting this Sunday, 28th June (Pacific Time, midnight to midnight).
At 10K, 20K, 35K, and 50K entries, Techland will add all new content, i.e. not just an XP boost, should fans follow through on their hydration selfies.
The new content is due by the end of the year and Techland will announce how many free DLC packs it will make when the promo ends at the end of July.

ORIGINAL STORY 24/06/2015 11.49pm: Activision upset many fans when it announced that some of Destiny's upcoming content and XP bonuses would be reserved exclusively for North Americans who drink Red Bull.
To combat this energy drink/video game marketing ploy, Dying Light developer Techland decided to offer free content to those who drink water. Any kind of water. Which humans need to survive. In other words, everyone.
"We're jumping on the latest trend in game marketing!" the developer tweeted. "#DrinkRightDyingLight > #DrinkForDLC"
"Post a picture of you drinking a glass of water with the tag #DrinkingRightDyingLight and get your code for a premium weapon docket," the developer explained in the ad.
"Ever stopped to wonder how extremely awesome water is? It's natural, vegan, and sugar-free. It's also delicious and good for your health. And even better, it's basically free."
Unsurprisingly, there are plenty of folks who have posted pics of them getting their hydration on at Techland's Twitter account.
Codes will be distributed soon at dockets.dyinglightgame.com.