Dragon Age Inquisition: Trespasser DLC looks like the expansion fans have been waiting for
UPDATE: Golden Nug and new wardrobe options confirmed.
UPDATE 30/08/2015 1.50am BioWare has confirmed the Dragon Age Inquisition: Trespasser DLC at a PAX Prime panel attended by Eurogamer.
Furthermore, an upcoming patch will add a Golden Nug statue to your undercroft in Skyhold once you've completed the game that will allow you to keep all the schematics, recipes and tapestries you've acquired when re-rolling with another character. In fact, you won't even have to start a new game. If you have any other characters that are mid-game the Golden Nug will simply appear once the next patch is installed.
There will also be new wardrobe options with over a dozen new threads that will be available in your bedroom in Skyhold.
ORIGINAL STORY 29/08/2015 9.48pm EA Spain has accidentally published a trailer for Trespasser, a meaty new Dragon Age Inquisition DLC set after the role-playing game's main campaign.

BioWare has yet to officially announce the expansion and the trailer was quickly pulled offline - although not before being reuploaded by other channels.
The big news is that Trespasser will - finally - build upon the main game's shock cliffhanger ending.
If you've beaten Inquisition, you'll know the character that fans have been waiting to see return, and return they do in the trailer's closing seconds.
Trespasser will be set two years after Inquisition's main story and detail the group's fate after it succeeded in saving the world.
The trailer also includes a Qunari army, new developments with the Inquisitor's mark and plenty of appearances from the Eluvian mirror.
It is almost certainly the "last adventure" story DLC previously detailed in an EA marketing survey leak back in June. If so, Trespasser will be the concluding slice of Inquisition story.
"Having saved the world of Thedas by closing the Breach," the survey detailed, "your next mission will determine the future of the Inquisition. Your mark suddenly glows, erupting with magic connected to the Fade. Assassins attack in shadow. An invasion of enemies begins.
"Win a race against time to face a great evil before it is too late. In this story-based expansion, playable after the events of Dragon Age: Inquisition, you will embark on a last adventure with your team to confront the one who started it all."
You will face "the disciplined and battle-hardened Qunari army", be able to "explore diverse, new areas as you fight the threat across the whole of Thedas", "uncover secrets of the Fade that will change your understanding of the world as you know it" and "prove your skill with a new, optional gameplay mode that challenges even the most seasoned veteran".
Exciting stuff.
BioWare has added to Inquisition's story content twice already with Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent. Both can be played before or after finishing the game.
The video lists Trespasser as having a release date of 8th September. We should hear more very soon.