Diablo 3 Zelda outfits on Switch explained: How to unlock Ganondorf armour, Cucco pet and the Triforce frame
How to unlock Zelda bonuses, including Ganondorf armour and a Cucco, on Diablo 3 for Switch.
Diablo 3 Zelda outfits are Nintendo bonuses exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the Eternal Collection.
These allow you to transform your character with Ganondorf armour, a Cucco Pet and more, but like Skyrim's Master Sword and Champion's Tunic, you'll have to do a spot of work before you can unlock them.
What Zelda unlockables are featured in Diablo 3 on Switch?
Diablo 3: Eternal Collection features several Zelda-themed unlockables exclusive to the Nintendo Switch release. These include:
- Ganondorf transmog armour
- Cucco pet
- Triforce portait frame
- The Echoes of the Mask wings
These are all available at the start of the game, but require a few hoops to jump through first.

How to unlock Ganondorf armour in Diablo 3 on Switch
Go to your stash - the chest in town where you can keep spare items.

On the radial menu on the left, go to the Bag. In the Bag, go to the Items section. Here is where you'll find a book called the Legend of Ganondorf. (It's the same place you find the amiibo portal.)

Transfer the book to your inventory. Back out of the stash menu, then open your character inventory. You'll find the book in the same place it was in the stash, in the Bag, under Items. Use it. This teaches you the recipes you need to make the Ganondorf armour set.
The Ganondorf set is a Trasmog set rather than actual armour - this means it's just an appearance which you can apply to any other armour in the game. You do this at Myriam, the Mystic artisan in town.
Though you can technically do this at the start of the game, there is a catch - the Ganondorf set are all Legendary transmogs, which cost 50,000 Gold to apply to each item. There are six pieces - head, chest, shoulder, hands, legs and feet - so it will cose 300,000 gold to apply the full set. You won't have that much until a little way into the game.
Bear in mind, as well, that transmogs need to be reapplied to new pieces of armour, so if you're being sensible with your gold you should only apply the Ganondorf trasmogs to pieces you are confident you'll be using for a while. Realistically, this means good Legendary or Set pieces obtained at level 70.

Sure you want to go ahead? To apply the Ganondorf appearances to your armour, visit Myriam, select the Transmogrify tab, select the head, chest, shoulder, hands, legs or feet piece in your inventory that you want to apply the apperance to, find the Ganondroft piece in the list of appearances on the right, and pay up. You'll see the effect straight away on your character.
Note as well that the transmogrification won't appear in the item's icon, but will now be noted in the item description (e.g. "Gerudo Visage" for a head piece).
Need more Diablo 3 help? Learn how to unlock Zelda outfits like Ganondorf in Diablo 3 Switch, get some Diablo 3 boss strategies, and learn how use the Mystic, Blacksmith, Gambling and Horadric Caches. We also have advice for every class, from the Barbarian to the Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor and Wizard.
How to unlock the Cucco Pet, Triforce Portrait Frame and Echoes of the Mask wings in Diablo 3 on Switch
These unlocks are much simpler and can be done right from the start of the game.
All three can be found in your character's inventory, in the Bag again, but this time in the Cosmetics section. As you would expect, the Cucco is stored under Pets, the Echoes of the Mask under Wings, and the Triforce portrait frame under, well, Portrait Frames.

(The Echoes of the Mask are ethereal purple wings that are apparently a reference to Majora's Mask, though it's hard to remember anything like them in that game.)
Simply click A on them to equip them.