Destiny item comparison sacrificed for expanded vaults on last-gen
Bungie hitting "very limited memory constraints" for PS3, Xbox 360.
Bungie has detailed its upcoming expansion of Destiny's item vaults, and revealed it has found itself reaching the hardware limits of last-gen consoles.
Destiny is due to receive an expanded number of slots for item storage with its 1.1.2 update, expected in a couple of weeks.
The game's current vault space allows you to store 20 armour pieces, 20 weapons and 20 general items.
After update 1.1.2, Guardians will be able to store 24 armour pieces, 36 weapons and 24 general items.
But PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners will find that item comparison has been disabled in their vaults in order to accommodate the expanded storage space.

"In the case of the Vault expansion, it became clear that we would be pushing very limited memory constraints on older generation hardware," Bungie designer Brad Fish explained in the developer's latest weekly update.
"We had a choice: leave the Vault as-is, or find some kind of compromise to enable it safely. We weighed the options, with player feedback in mind, and decided to move forward with the expansion by disabling the item comparison feature within the Vault on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
"Item comparison will continue to function within the Vault on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and in all other contexts on all platforms."
Destiny's next major expansion, House of Wolves, is set to arrive for all platforms in May.
Bungie noted that further vault storage options are being worked on - and this may relate to the new Reef social space expected to be included in the House of Wolves update.