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PC gets TOCA in November

Release date set, high res screenshots delivered

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Codemasters' TOCA Race Driver will launch on PC this November 22nd, and promises as many as 20 cars tearing up the track simultaneously, compared to a mere 14 in the PS2 version. Another enhancement to the package is the inclusion of Dolby Digital 5.1 and EAX support, enabling reverberation and environmental audio effects.

Although TOCA didn't sit as well as perhaps it could have with us, with off-puttingly unrealistic car handling and behaviour, and visuals like a trip back in time, it was pretty enjoyable. The game is famed for its approach to the traditional "campaign" template. Instead of duking it out in anonymity, players take on the role of one Ryan McKane as he attempts to follow in his deceased father's footsteps - the only problem being that he's a petulant underachieving yank who needs a bit of steadying and direction.

TOCA Race Driver is due out on PC this November 22nd, expected retail price £34.99.

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