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Fetch your coat, you've pulled

Lads On The Pull - a dating game, British-style

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

While dating games are inexplicably popular in Japan, nobody has created a video game to celebrate the wonders of British lad culture. Until now. Developed in deepest darkest Hampshire by nDreams, Lads On The Pull gives you the chance to get blind drunk, wander around town chatting up random strangers and (if you get lucky) take them back to your place for a night of horizontal tangoing. All without leaving your PC. As in real life though, excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to the "beer goggle effect", so the more you drink the more attractive the girls will start to look, possibly leading to some embarrassment in the morning. It's certainly an unusual (not to mention downright sexist) concept for a game, but with a demo expected within the next couple of months we should know more soon.

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