Argos says it'll deliver Xbox One X at one minute past midnight in London
What could possibly go wrong?
Argos has upped the ante in the video game delivery arms race with an ambitious new service that promises to get an Xbox One X in Londoners' arms at one minute past midnight.

The trial is called Minute-Past-Midnight delivery, and its pilot launches across London for the release of Xbox One X next month.
Argos said in a note to press it promises customers will get Microsoft's new console at their doorstep just one minute after midnight on launch day (7th November 2017).
If you live within London Zones one to five you can apply for the trial. Argos said Minute-Past-Midnight delivery is an "additional pre-order opportunity", so the 12.01am slot is only available to customers who purchase and pre-order an Xbox One X as part of this trial, rather than customers who have taken part in previous pre-order offers from Argos.
Argos said it'll announce more details on how to sign up at 8am on Wednesday 25th October via its Twitter account (@Argos_Online).
What could possibly go wrong?
Anyway, Amazon, the ball's in your court. How about delivering at exactly midnight?