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All Sims 3 cheats and cheat codes

From limitless money to getting the Grim Reaper visit, here are all Sims 3 cheats for PC.

sims 3 loading screen with logo
Image credit: Eurogamer/EA

Sims 3 cheats let you alter multiple things, which include deciding to demolish and rebuild various lots in your chosen world, to deciding you no longer like your Sim and giving them a whole new vibe.

As with its previous iterations, cheating isn't only an option in Sims 3, it's practically encouraged with the amount of options there are.

There's a lot to choose from, so that's where this page comes in. Here are all The Sims 3 PC cheats and cheat codes.

On this page:

How to use PC cheats in Sims 3

To use PC cheats in The Sims 3 you need to press and hold CTRL, Shift, and C together. This will bring up the cheats bar in the top left corner of your screen. In here, you can type in any cheat codes you want to use.

If you've typed in an invalid cheat code, or you've misspelled it, then the bar will tell you that it cannot be found.

Also, for some cheats you just need to type in 'testingcheatsenabled true' and this will allow you to do a plethora of things in your Sim's world. We highly recommend always putting this cheat in the moment you boot up The Sims 3.

sims 3 cheat command console and joke cheat
This is the cheats bar, there's even a code for a cheesy joke. | Image credit: Eurogamer/EA

General Sims 3 Cheats

Here are some non-specific cheats you can use in Sims 3:

  • hideheadlineeffects on/off - Hides any headline effects, stops thought bubbles appearing and other items.
  • jokeplease - Presents a random joke in the cheat bar.
  • DiscoTags - Turns disco maptags on and off.
  • enablellamas - Llamas happen.
  • fps on/off - This makes the frame rate appear/disappear on your screen.
  • Fullscreen on/off - Turns fullscreen on and off.
  • mapTags on/off - Allows and removes mapTag visibility on your map.
  • playsounds on/off - Turns sounds and music on or off.
  • quit - Exits The Sims 3.
  • unlockOutfits on/off - Enter this before going into Create-a-Sim in a new save to get more outfits, including career specific ones like Police Uniforms.
the sims 3 steam promo art fishing at lake
Image credit: EA

All Sims 3 Money Cheats

Here are all the cheats that grant you extra (or easy) money:

  • kaching - 1,000 Simoleons.
  • motherlode - 50,000 Simoleons.
  • familyfunds lastname amount - Gives your family any specified number of funds up to 99,999,999, but don't write the number with a comma or it won't work. (For example, 2,000,000 won't register but 2000000 will)
sims 3 ea promo art musicians by bridge
Image credit: EA

All Sims 3 Sim Cheats

Here are some cheats to help you with day to day life with your Sim:

  • resetsim firstname lastname - This resets a Sim who's somehow managed to get themselves stuck (especially useful in World Adventures.)

Before using the cheats below you need to enter 'testingcheatsenabled true' into your cheats bar to activate them and then click on your mailbox to bring up a selection of options:

  • Make needs static - Sim needs don't decay at all.
  • Make all happy - Makes the entire household happy.
  • Force visitor - A random Sim will appear on your lot to visit.
  • Force NPC - Selected NPC will appear on lot. Choices range from Pizza Deliveries to the Grim Reaper.

Also, with 'testingcheatsenabled true' active, you can do the following:

  • Shift and click on your Sim, then select the 'Edit in Create-a-Sim' option to give them a new look.
  • Shift and click on your Sim, then select 'Modify Traits for Active Sim' to change one or all of their current traits.
  • Shift and click on your Sim, then select 'Trigger Age Transition' to force a birthday and age-up event.
  • Hold shift then click on the ground anywhere in your Sim's current world and you'll get the option to 'Teleport' to that exact location instantly.
  • Shift and click on the treasure chest icon in your Lifetime Happiness tab to instantly increase Lifetime Happiness points - just click away and watch it grow.

While this one isn't actually a cheat per-say and you don't need a cheat code for it, it's still pretty good to know. If you want your Sim to stop ageing and reduce the risk of them dying through natural causes, then enter your 'Options' menu and disable the 'Ageing' mechanic. Remember to confirm and save your choice.

sims 3 disable ageing option highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/EA

The ones listed below aren't technically cheats either that need codes or special commands to use, but you can do them to influence certain aspects of your Sim's life.

When a Sim is pregnant, get them to eat Apples to have a boy or eat Watermelon for a girl. In our experience, the more of your chosen fruit you eat the more likely it is you'll get the connected baby gender.

All Sims 3 Relationship Cheats

Before using the cheats below you need to enter 'testingcheatsenabled true' into your cheats bar to activate them and then click on your mailbox to bring up a selection of options:

  • Make friends for me - Makes a handful of friends for the controlled Sim.
  • Make me know everyone - Makes the controlled Sim know everyone in town.

Also, with 'testingcheatsenabled true' active you can do the following:

  • Shift and click on a Sim that's not in your household, then select the 'Add to Active Family' option to instantly add them to your household.
  • Go into your relationships tab and drag the relationship bar underneath Sims to adjust your relationship with them (can become besties or create a nemisis.)
the sims 3 steam promo art fight at party
Image credit: EA

All Sims 3 Building Cheats

Here are all the build/buy cheats for Sims 3:

  • Moveobjects on - Lets you place items and objects anywhere you want with little to no restrictions.
  • Moveobjects off - Returns you to default building and item placement restrictions.
  • Buydebug on/off - Removes restrictions and lets you buy anything you want in buy mode.
  • allowObjectsOnRoofs - Lets you put things on your roof.
  • AlwaysAllowBuildBuy true/false - This lets you use Build/Buy mode any time you want (so you can protect your items from intruders.)
  • constrainFloorElevation true/false - Lets you alter the terrain even if Sims or objects are blocking them.
  • disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off - Objects won't snap into place while placing them if you hold ALT.
  • EnableLotLocking true/false - Allows and disallows Lot locking when you're in Edit Town mode.
  • RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings on/off - Removes restrictions for Build/Buy within buildings that aren't your household.
the sims 3 steam promo art city overview
Image credit: EA

Before using the cheats below you need to enter 'testingcheatsenabled true' into your cheats bar.

  • freerealestate - This makes all lots across the world free to purchase (can we make this a real thing please?)

To build or buy (basically edit) anywhere in your Sim's world, hold shift and right click on the lot you want to change. You'll then get two options, one to build and one to buy - select the one you want and start building!

All Sims 3 Career Cheats

Before using the cheats below you need to enter 'testingcheatsenabled true' into your cheats bar to activate them and then click on your mailbox to bring up a selection of options:

  • Set Career - Can set the controlled Sims career and what level they're at in the career. It doesn't mean they'll be good at it though.

Also, while 'testingcheatsenabled true' is active you can further modify your Sim's chosen career path by holding shift then clicking on their workplace to bring up multiple options:

  • Force Opportunity - This creates a random opportunity for your Sim, they can choose to particpate or decline it.
  • Force Event - Makes an event happen, this could be anything from a disaster to going out with your colleagues for a celebratory dinner.
  • Force All Events - As it says on the tin, everything happens at once...
the sims 3 steam promo art rockstar outside theatre
Image credit: EA

That's all for now, have fun trying all the different cheat options for Sims 3!

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