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All Nibelheim Chocobo Stops in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Where to find each Chocobo Stop in Nibelheim in FF7 Rebirth.

Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Image credit: Square Enix

Finding all of the Nibelheim Chocobo Stop locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will make it much easier for you to get around the map quickly. Repairing a Chocobo Stop will unlock it as a fast travel point and you can rest your Party to fill your HP and MP if you have a pillow.

As with most things in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you will need to spend some time exploring every inch of the environment in Nibelheim to find all that's on offer here - including Chocobo Stops. We recommend doing this activity as one of the first things you do here as it will make your time here much easier (after getting the region's Chocobo).

On that note, here are all the Nibelheim Chocobo Stop locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

All Nibelheim Chocobo Stop locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are eight Chocobo Stops in Nibelheim for you to find. However, you will need to get the Nibelheim Chocobo to be able to reach some of them, so we recommend taking some time to get them first before you start to search for each Chocobo Stop.

Once you've got your Chocobo, here are all Nibelheim Chocobo Stop locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

final fantasy 7 rebirth nibelheim chocobo stop map locations map genie
Image credit: Map Genie
Chocobo Stop Location
One North-east of Gull Bridge Remnawave Tower
Two East of Gull Bridge Remnawave Tower
Three North north-west of Gull Bridge Remnawave Tower and north north-east of Airstrip Remnawave Tower
Four North north-west of Airstrip Remnawave Tower
Five North-east of Whitecap Reef Remnawave Tower
Six South-west of Whitecap Reef Remnawave Tower
Seven West of Whitecap Reef Remnawave Tower
Eight West of Beacon Hill Remnawave Tower

That's all for now! If you're looking for more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth help, check out our tips, tricks and guides hub. Also, check out our Fort Condor explainer that tells you everything you need to know about this tricky minigame.

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